Slave Meets Lotus

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Shen Jiu knew he wasn't going to make it far, he always did, but atleast he tried for Qi-Ge. But Qi-Ge's gone now, he had abandoned Shen Jiu. The older boy promised to come back, but he broke that promise and left the young slave to be abused daily by a truly wicked man. Every past memory Shen Jiu had began to flicker through his mind as the knife pressed up against his pale neck began to press harder than before, the man holding the knife gave Shen Jiu an all too familiar look, one that made him want to rip off his own face. The young boy hated his looks immensely, as it had brought tragedy to himself and caused half of his life's problems.

Especially all of his problems with Qiu Jianluo, that horrid man deserved a fate worse than death itself. Especially since he had a revolting tendency to lust after his younger sister, and had only forced Shen Jiu into an engagement with her to make sure Qiu Haitang stayed at home and remained by Qiu Jianluo's side.

What was even worse was the fact he also lusted after children for crying out loud! He was truly shameless and nauseating to say the least, Shen Jiu wished he could've driven a hundred swords into that man's chest, then repeatedly stab him.

Ah, that was the dream.

To kill Qiu Jianluo.

If it was possible, Shen Jiu wished to be reborn into an ugly faced creature, atleast then he wouldn't have had to deal with certain issues. Occasionally, he could still feel Qiu Jianluo's hands grabbing him, it made Shen Jiu feel dirty and disgusting. If only Qi-Ge didn't abandon him, if only he was still here. If- no, there were no "if's", they simply didn't exist.

They never did, not for Qi-Ge, not for Xiao Jiu, no one.

An unfamiliar leaking sensation began to simmer in the corners of Shen Jiu's jade coloured eyes, what on earth was this? Clear droplets of water fell onto the ground as the young slave was brought into a carriage.

The boy wished he could move his arms to pat around his jade eyes, just to test if be was truly being emotional right now, or if he hadn't cried in so long that his body just suddenly decided to act up and make him feel like he was. The first one sounded more believable.

Was he crying?

The clear liquid continued to drip onto the interior of the carefully decorated carriage that the young boy so desperately wished to break and tear apart, piece by piece.

No, not possible.

Shen Jiu felt his vision blur up as more tears poured out of his eyes, this was making the young boy begin to lose face.

He was crying.

Shen 'fucking' Jiu was crying.

Deciding to push those thoughts aside, Shen Jiu began to hurridly look around the spacious, horse-ridden carriage for any means of escape. Unfortunately, nothing led to an exit, as large, burly men were also sitting in the carriage, all of which were staring at Shen Jiu. Uneasiness began to settle inside the young boy, his hands were tied and he was currently gagged by a cloth which had been tied around the back of his head and mouth.

Something bad was certainly about to happen to Shen Jiu. Nothing good ever came from getting kidnapped.

The shortest on the men suddenly stood up and trotted over to the young boy, a toothy grin was forming on his mouth at the very sight of Shen Jiu, he was certain to make good money. If not, there was always other uses for pretty people like the one currently tied down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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