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As the 3 teens arrived at the reserve Olivia looked around

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As the 3 teens arrived at the reserve Olivia looked around. She didn't like this one bit. I mean her sister's body was found here and the killer was unknown. Now another person had been killed in the same woods, she knew it wasn't a coincidence. Stiles parked his jeep at the entrance of the reserve both him and Scott jumping out. The boy noticed his girlfriend staring into space and gently got back in facing her. "Livie, I know you're scared but I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." Stiles stated gently giving the girl reassurance that he was going to be there. Olivia nodded before getting out of the jeep causing Stiles to quickly walk over to her and wrap his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer into him.

The teens were now deep in the woods looking for the area the police were looking. Olivia had blocked Stiles and Scott conversations out trying to keep an eye on her surroundings as the feeling of being watch from earlier returned. Stiles hearing the talking from the officers was quick to rush forward pulling his girlfriend with him and leaving Scott behind. The buzz cut boy quickly rushed and laid down on the ground pulling Olivia with him. "Stiles!" She whispered stern not liking being yanked to the ground only to receive an apologetic look before her pulled her up again and run leaving their best friend behind again.

This time the teo came face to face to one of the police dogs that barked at them causing them to jump back and land on the ground. "Hold it right there." A officer order as he walked up holding a flashlight on the two teens. Olivia quickly put her hands up nudging Stiles to do so to when they heard a voice the both were familiar with causing them to gulp slightly. "Hang on." Came the voice of the older Stilinski who sighed when he saw that it was his son and hopefully future daughter in law. "This two little delinquents belong to me." He states sending the officer a look before sending both the kids a look. "Hey Dad, How are you doing?" Stiles greets nervously but tries to play it cool. Olivia just smiled at the man because she knew Noah would already know his son dragged the girl out here. Noah knew how Olivia felt about the reserve and was shocked that she actually came along.

Noah looked at his son with a mix of frustration, exasperation and exhaustion. "Do you listen to all my phone calls?" Noah asked his son in aggravation. Stiles laughed nervously before replying "uh no." He stated but paused seeing the look he was receiving from both this girlfriend and father. "Ok, ok, just the important ones." He added quickly. Noah sighed before looking around the surrounding area. "Ok, and where is your usual partner in crime?" He asked suspiciously knowing where ever the two went Scott was sure to follow. Olivia just watched the scene amused. "Who, Scott?, Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow." Stiles stuttered out. Causing the older Stilinski to look at Stiles in disbelief as he continues to lie "It's just Livie and I... In the woods... Alone..." he continued not realizing how weird that one sentence sounded. It is obvious that Stilinski doesn't buy what Stiles is saying, and he lifts his flashlight and tries to get a look around to find Scott, who is still hiding behind the tree. "Scott, you out there? Scott?" Noah yelled out as he check the area only receiving silence expect the sound of the rain droplets hitting the ground. Once thinking the boy is really at hold Noah quickly grabs his son back the back or his neck and gently wraps a arm around the young girl steering them in the direction of where the jeep most likely is.

After a long walk and lecture the two teens were now back in the jeep. "What about Scott? He doesn't have a way home." Quinn exclaimed worried for their best friend. Stiles sighed as he started driving. "I know Livie, but dad will get suspicious if we don't head home." Stiles explained making his way back home. "Plus, I'm pretty sure he's probably already walking home he'll be ok Livie." Stiles added gently grabbing his girlfriend's hand. "Ok, but if we don't hear from him in a hour we come looking for him." She says sternly looking at her boyfriend who nodded. "Deal, now let's get home take showers and maybe finish where we left off." Stiles states calmly. Anyone at school who knew Stiles would tell you he's this weird kid who would spazz a lot, talk a lot, or was just plan nervous. But when Olivia was around he was this confident person who would protect her in a heartbeat if it came down to it even if he got hurt in the end because he loved her that much. "That sounds like a plan for now. Olivia states finally relaxing against the seat watching as the trees went by. When the two got home they did exactly what the planned and thankfully after they were done they received a text from school exclaiming they need to meet at the entrance of the school in the morning to talk.

 When the two got home they did exactly what the planned and thankfully after they were done they received a text from school exclaiming they need to meet at the entrance of the school in the morning to talk

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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