1~ Sin Or Salvation.

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[Ashes] Read that book first to understand this one.

If you want to read the whole series then read [ Mad For Her] #1
(not compulsory)

Is this love? So naive my Jaan, It's much more than that it's my lethal madness for you I am bleeding my love, but why only I? You too need to bleed, I will catch you to make you bleed with me just wait and watch.

Author's Pov,


Colour of blood.

Colour of holy vermillion.

Colour of devotion.

Colour of Love.

Colour of madness!!!! His Madness

Thunder orchestrates the sky's performance, echoing the turmoil within the hearts of the characters.

The rainy season always emerged as both a blessing and a curse of change in his life.

He got her in this rainy season as a blessing and he lost her in this same rain, in the most vulnerable moment of his life.

The rain was pouring like torrents cascading from the heavens Nahhhh...hell. His hell. Painting the world in a darkest sheen.

His dark eyes were set on the man bending in front of him in the middle of the road and crying for his life.

But his lips were curved in a smile, a satisfied smile, he wasn't looking any less than satan.

Of course, he was Satan, A king of hell.

He learned to dominate, kill, smile after seeing someone's pain, and feel pleasure in drowning blood.

He turned into Dark from Demon.

Now, the absence of light no longer surrounds him; he embodies the essence of darkness itself.

"Any last wish?"

The poor man trembled sensing the evilness that voice held and pleaded, "I don't know anything, Sir?"

"Seems like you don't have any."

He moved his fingers through his wet hair, sliding them back to get a good view and without any second thought shot the man.

That man's wife trembled and cried holding her baby in her arms but the man in front of her didn't know the word pity.

The bodyguards watched the scene with stoic faces, not blattering their eyelashes for once.

"Sir what about his family?"

"BURN." He answered and without any emotion sat inside the car.

That bodyguard turned to look at the trembling woman and ordered his men to drag her with them.

He glanced at his bleeding hands and smiled sadistically.

Pain. he lost the ability to feel it five years ago.

His phone beeped and he took it out, and a message popped up on the screen.

It was a reminder of someone's Birthday.

His son's birthday who would turn five now.

He sighed and closed his phone.

He was in Italy so he couldn't attend it, it wasn't like he wanted to.

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