Episode - 04

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*In the morning *

Unknown person was slowly coming to his conscious

Unknown pov

"ugh!! It hurt's like hell. Cause of pain I barely open my eyes 'ha! where am I?' I remember now is stab by my own man.

'That dame bastard he dares to betrayed me'. I get angry and try to get up but my wound hurts more I shout in pain 'Aish...'

" Are you okay? You shouldn't get up now please lay down". I was surprised with sudden voice someone was trying to help me,

I lay down again he covers me up and was saying something and go somewhere. I was to surprise to say anything. come to think about it 'Come to think about it.

Last night came to me after I stab... he was the one who come to me. and he was trying to call someone'. Did HE!"

Yu-Jun pov

"Last night I sleep beside the bed. A sudden voice woke me up "ugh!!"

I saw that person was open his eyes and trying to get out from his bed 'Are you okay? You shouldn't get up now please lay down' he obediently lay back down.

'you should rest more your wound isn't heal yet, I will make something for you. So you could take medicine'.

After saying then I left my bed room and come to the kitchen to make something for us. 'I'm so hungry last night I didn't eat anything,

I should make some light for him'. W-Waaa.. LET GO OF ME WHAT ARE YOU!!"

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