Chapter Seven

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ALEX AND THE group sat around Scott's living room, Scott watched in concern as Alex's leg bounced with nervous energy, portraying the unease she was clearly feeling. Her foot tapped the floor rhythmically, the sound echoing in the quiet room.

As Alex waited for the storm to strike, she could feel her heart racing and her palms sweating. She knew that whatever was about to happen would have far-reaching consequences, not only for herself, but for Scott and the rest of the group as well. The pressure was almost overwhelming, and she found herself wishing she could just snap her fingers and make everything go back to normal. But she knew that wasn't possible – she was stuck in this strange new reality, and she had to find a way to navigate it.

Scott hesitantly reached for her hand and nodded, a reminder that no matter what happens, they're in it together. She pulls away and her eyes meet Allison's. Scott straightened himself and leaned back into the couch.

"Okay, seriously? I can't take this silence anymore. Can we do something at least to pass the time?" Stiles asks, throwing his hands in the air.

Stiles responds with a huff, his impatience getting the better of him. "Come on, Scott, you know as well as I do that sitting around doing nothing is just going to make us all go stir crazy. We need to keep ourselves busy or else we're just going to start dwelling on everything that's going wrong." He glances around the room, hoping to find someone who shares his sentiment.

"What did you have in mind, Stiles?" Alex asks and shrugs. She didn't like the idea of just sitting there either. Time was already passing by slowly, so they might as well do something entertaining.

Stiles perks up at her question, glad to finally have an ally in his quest for distraction, "Well I don't know, but we've got plenty of options. We could play a board game, attempt to cook something, or even just have a good old-fashioned conversation about anything other than the predicament we're currently in." He looks around the room again, hoping to gauge the group's response to his ideas.

"My mom has a box of brownie mix in the pantry?"

"Yes! I could totally go for some brownies right now," Stiles heads to the kitchen with the group and gathers all of the materials needed.

"So we have everything we need...Stiles! Do you even know what measurements are needed?" Lydia asks, glaring at Stiles as he pours a handful of flour into the mixing bowl.

Stiles gives Lydia a goofy grin and shrugs, "Hey, it's all about the taste, not the measurements. We're making magic here, people!" He continues to dump flour into the bowl with abandon, much to Lydia's dismay. She rolls her eyes and grabs the recipe from Allison, saying, "Okay, Einstein, let's try this thing called 'following instructions.'"

Scott leans over to Alex and whispers, "Hey. It looks like they've got this handled...for now. Should we go upstairs and just go over the plan one more time?"

Alex nods and leads them upstairs to her guest room. She sits on the bed and he sits on the desk chair across from her.


"About earlier..."

Alex shakes her head and dismisses him, "It's okay. You were just trying to comfort me. I just didn't want Allison thinking there was something going on between us, when there isn't."

"I get it. I'm just glad you're okay. The last thing we need right now is a love triangle on top of a supernatural crisis," He lets out a small laugh, then sobers up again.

"Seriously though, we can't afford to lose focus. We need to be prepared for anything." Alex nods in agreement, her mind racing with all the possible scenarios and the ways that this plan could go horribly wrong

Scott ran his hand through his hair, a telltale sign that he was anxious and deep in thought. He had to stay focused and think strategically, taking into account all the variable and potential obstacles. He owed it to Alex and the rest of the group to come up with a solid plan that would give them the best chance of success.

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