Confession Pt.2

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7th period was the most boring shit you've ever experienced. What the hell is up with your teachers and being the most stale people on Earth?!

You walk out of the classroom, grabbing your backpack from your locker and walking out of the school gates.

You catch up with one of your friends, Lukas. You want to tell him about what you and Bill did, but he has a loud mouth and can't read the room for shit.

"So... lukas.." He perks his head up at your words, making a quick humming sound, "Me and Bill... Are you know..."

Lukas smiles and hugs you, "God! I knew it would happen! You two were acting so gay together."

You hug him back, you two pull away from the hug and continue to walk, "He told me to meet him at his house later... I'm like kind of nervous."

Lukas takes this as a moment to give you some of his shitty advice, "Alright so like when ya'll start making out, start aggressively grabbing his ears, gets everyone turned on."

You smack Lukas in the back of the head, "You fucking dumbass! That is NOT what you do."

He rubs the back of his head while whispering a small "Ow..."

Lukas says bye and walks to his houses driveway. You make your way to your house, setting your backpack down and grabbing your phone out. You text Bill that your on your way as you shout to your mom, "I'm off to my friends house mom!"

She replies, "Is it Lukas?"

Shit your forgot she thinks you only have like one friend.

"Uh... Yeah!"

You walk out the door and make your way to Bill's house, you had been there once. And you weren't even in it. It was to meet up with him so you two could go look at music together.

You were a bit nervous as you walked up to his house, knocking on the front door.

Bill opened the door and pulled you into the house, also trapping you in another hug. You close the door with your foot as you look up to Bill.

He didn't have his makeup on nor did he have his hair up, he was absolutely stunning. You never realized how feminine his makeup made him seem.

He leads you up the stairs to his room, a smile painting his face as he spoke, "Parents aren't home and Tom's out with his friends. So what do you wanna do?"

You smirk as you immediately had an idea. You shrug and look off to the distance, "Whatever you wanna do."

You take off your shoes and sit on his bed, Bil follows behind you. He doesn't sit on the bed but instead just hovers over you.

You notice this and raise a brow, "What?"

He crawls on top of you, straddling your hips, "Y/N do you know how many times I've dreamed about doing this?"

You smile at his words while also getting aroused at the pressure he just put on your waist, jesus anything this guy does turns you on.

He pulls your pants down, more eager than last time as he pulls his own down this time. He looks up to you with excited eyes, smiling warmly.

Bill positions his entrance on your tip, you grab his waist softly as he gently slips you into him.

He lets out a guttural moan at the immense pleasure, breathing heavily as he gets used to you inside of him.

"Take it as slow as you need to.." You whisper reassuringly under your breath, he responds with a small whine.

As Bill sets a comfortable pace for the both of you, you can't help but thrust into him the same pace he was riding you, I mean he just felt super fucking good.

Bill can feel your length twitching inside of him already, making him happy that he can make you feel good.

Speaking of feeling good, Bill decides to speed up his pace a bit, letting out small moans with every breath.

Your hands tighten around Bill's waist as you groan in pleasure, feeling your climax bubbling up already.

Bill continues his pace and you continue your thrusts, though Bill let's out a long string of moans before pouring his release onto you lower stomach.

You chuckle at the sight of him being such a mess.

You thrust into him faster as he fails to keep up with your pace, allowing you to take full control as you freeze in place. You spill deep into Bill.

Once you're finished Bill lays on your chest and you pet his hair, "Wanna hop in the shower?" You whisper.

He nods as you two stand up, you walk to the shower down the hall. No shame about literally having your dicks out, boys will be boys I guess.

As you two wait for the shower to heat up you take your shirt off, looking to Bill who also had his shirt off.

He may have only a little muscle, but his height is intimidating. You both step in teh shower and hug. Honestly, you're glad you have someone to be intimate with like this now. Don't get me wrong you fucking love sex, but sometimes you just need someone to shower with.

☆- Little timeskip (I really fucking hate writing shower scenes sm)

You were resting under the blanket as Bill slept peacefully on your chest, he had is limbs wrapped around you, tightly holding onto your body.

You also wanted to sleep over but your mom.. She'd kill you if you slept over at someone's house without telling..


Fuck your mom.

You don't care about what she says, you just wanna spend time with your newfound relationship.

You close your eyes and take a deep breathe, slowly drifting off to sleep. Feeling content with Bill.


Woah how did we like it

Sorry it was a bit shorter, I try to maintain around 1000 words or so for my chapters.

Pt2 for starloverzz :3

Have a good night, at least it's night when I'm posting this.

Yippee :3

Bill Kaulitz Oneshots M! Reader :3 Where stories live. Discover now