An interesting... But troublesome desease

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One shot inspired by the book 'Darkest Minds' by Alexandra Bracken. I will also change some things.

POV: Ayanokoji

Today, I woke up at usual which is 4:30 am for my morning routine. I went to the gym.

When I was on the way, I suddenly felt pain in my stomach. If it was regular pain, I could have showed no expression at all but this sensation of pain made me fall on my knees. Even back in the White Room I never felt so hurt. Apparently I wasn't the only one that held my abdomen because I saw that for the only students near me also did the same.

'What is happening...' I muttered and then I saw that the people around me had collapsed. Not long after I did the same as them.

Times later. 

I woke up in a bed in a white room. First I thought that I returned to the White Room but I saw some medical material. I don't know where I was but it was not the White Room. But now, I feel weird... I observed the room and saw  a colourful board. From the down I could see green, then blue, then yellow, red and finally orange. It was written that the green meant for very high intelligence, blue meant for telekinesis, yellow meant for electricity control, red was for fire control and orange, the most interesting, manipulate, read and control minds.

They were also other people in the room. Some that I know like Koenji, Albert and Kamuro. The only one awake though was the only one I didn't want awake. It was Kamuro and she was looking around until our eyes met. She then had a disgust expression

I don't know what these are but the reason why me and other students had collapsed before surely has to do with this. I have an odd feeling... Something isn't right here.

Smack !

Then suddenly when I was lost in my thoughts, the door opened and someone that seemed like a doctor entered. 

"Hello, it seems that two of you are awake." He said. "You probably are wandering what is happening and why you are here but let me explain. An unknown desease appeared and killed every children under 18." 

That was a shocking revelation.

"Then why we are here ?" Kamuro asked.

"Please don't interrupt me, I will explain everything to you. So the reason you all are still here is because you all have a special... How can I say that ? Power ?"

Kamuro then looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean ? Is this a bad joke ?" 

"I was serious."

Now I see what he means, it was board with the colours.

"Here, take a look at this." He said pointing the board.

Kamuro then took a minute to read the information on the board.

"So all of us here have one of these... Powers ?" She asked.

"Yes, otherwise you all wouldn't be alive right now."

"Then where are we ?"

"We are still in a hospital."He said it faster than before and he said 'still', something really is odd here.

Seems like Kamuro also noticed that something wasn't right here.

"How do we know which colour we are ?" I then started to talk.

"Good question, we need to make a blood test and this was the reason why I came." 

He then took out some syringes and took some blood out of us.

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