a grammer lesson

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Ben: wheres professor crandall he should be here by now

Zoe: fr

Catherine: hello class

Mike: um wtf

Catherine: Michael, watch that language please. Anyways, Professor Crandall is on a mission so im covering for him

Zoe: ok

Catherine: today we will review on our english

Ben: wait this is asp no ela

Catherine: asp: Advanced Speaking and Punctuation class, no?

Zoe: *face palm*

Catherine: anyways, Benjamin, can you tell me the plural of cat?

Ben: cats

Catherine: Good job!

Mike: is she fr

Catherine: anyways, Michael, what is the plural of Goose?

Mike: um. . . . gooses

Catherine: so close! because there are two o's, it is geese.

Catherine: Zoe, what is the plural of moose?

Zoe: it has 2 o's so it must be meese.

Catherine: actually, it is one of the nouns that stay the same when plural.

Catherine: Zoe, try cactus

Zoe: um, it stays the same?

Catherine: no, since it ends in -us it turns to cacti

Catherine: Benjamin stop sleeping and do walrus.

Ben: huh. oh. um, walri?

Catherine: nope, walrus turns to walruses, even if it ends in -us.

Catherine: Michael, get off your phone and do ox.

Mike: um maybe its oxes.

Catherine: nope its oxen because it has an x.

Catherine: zoe do axis.

Zoe: it has an x... axisen?

Catherine: it ends in -is, so it turns into axes.

Mike: can we leave

Catherine: nope do phenomenon

Mike: i give up

Catherine: tsk tsk tsk its phenomena. children these days are getting less intelligent

Ben: hey

Catherine: benjamin, try man

Ben: i know this its men

Catherine: good job now try knife

Ben: knifes

Catherine: actually you change the f to a v so you get knives.

Catherine: zoe try energy

Zoe: i think you change the y so its energies

Catherine: nice anyways michael do alga

Mike: wtf is alga

Mike: algaes or whatever

Catherine: very close its algae

Mike: ohhh i know what algae is.

Catherine: benjamin do bacterium

Ben: isnt it bacteria? ig not. the plural is...........bacterien?

Catherine: actually, bacteria is the plural, just like algae.

Zoe: please dont pick me my head hurts.

Catherine: ok um michael again. i told you not to get on your phone. Anyways, try criterion. its the last one

Mike: idk what that is, but criteria?

Catherine: good job!

Mike: wait how did i ge-

Erica: mother prof. crandall woke up we need to get out

Catherine: oop! bye children

Ben: bye

Ben: wait hold up a second wdym "got up"

a/n- i forgot one: radius- radii (i know it has the same rule as cactus and octopus but it just looks funny)

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