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The hunters I met in Garter were heading to Richardson, which is actually North as well, but further North East from Rima, which is where I'm heading. It took me two days to actually catch up to them, they were moving at a pretty fast pace. It's probably because they didn't have much cargo to carry and needed to get home as fast as possible.

They were surprised to see me but didn't mind me tagging along with them. I figured it was because I had supplies and could help them out a lot on the journey. Plus, we kind of became friendly back in Garter. I showed them the map and explained where I was heading. They also agreed it would be better for them to resupply a little in Rima before heading to Richardson, but weren't going to stay long, so once we hit Rima we'd be parting ways.

It was days and days of walking, climbing, and camping in the cold but after 10 days or so we finally made it to the small town of Rima. We parted ways and I let them keep the map so they could get to Richardson safely. Now I just had to figure out why I was drawn here.

A few days later I considered finding the next nearest town and leaving here, but something drew me here. I've asked the towns people about Dad and even asked if there was a Dragon near by, but they all said they didn't know him and that there was no dragons here. Not finding anything here I was itching to get moving.

I was in town trying to find a decent Machete for a fair price when I heard my name called by a familiar voice. Valis? I looked over at him and he smiled and hugged me.

"Oh man, I thought that was you. I never expected to run into you here. I almost didn't recognize you with that stubble and you've gotten taller," he said, "But I recognized that bag of yours and the sword."

"It's good to see you again, Valis. What brings you guys this far North. Aren't your hunting grounds more to the South East?" I asked.

"We got a call from Richardson about an Elder Dragon up in the North. We're on our way there, but stopped here to resupply. How's your search for your Dad coming?" he asked. I explained everything to him and he said I should come with them then. Not having any other leads or a next destination in mind I agreed to rejoin the crew.

This all doesn't seem coincidental. Was it the Elder Dragon that brought me here to meet up with them? Or maybe one of the elder dragons watching over the ship knew they were heading here? I don't know, but I'm finally going back home to my friends. I'm even excited to see Jordan if that makes sense.

I helped him finish his shopping and carry it back to the ship. There were a few people I didn't recognize outside the ship making repairs and I figured it was probably the engine crew that Mich never did introduce me to.

"I'm back with the supplies and I brought a familiar face with me!" Valis called out and I set the crate next to where Valis set his. Mich was the first one to come to the storage room and I saw his eyes dart to the sword and then up to my face.

"Zion? Is that really you?!" He said ecstatically. I nodded and he came to give me a big hug. "It's been over a year and looking at you now makes it feel like it's been a lot longer. Welcome back, Kid. Though there's someone else who will be even happier to see you," He said and winked at me. I nodded and went to find Lana. I passed a few people on the way but no one seemed to recognize who I was as they gave me curious looks, but I went straight to the Dining area and the kitchen.

"Lana?" I asked Mira who was doing the cooking for lunch.

"Oh, wow, hello to you too. Welcome back, Zion. She's in the dry storage room, she'll be back any minute," she said. Everyone who heard what she just said went quiet and Jordan stood from his table. At that same time I heard a thud from the doorway and I looked over to see that Lana dropped the box she was carrying. I smiled at her and gently went over to pick the box up and set it on the counter.

"Zion?" she asked as if she didn't believe it. I really should shave at some point.

"Hey, Lana. I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm back," I said and she hugged me tightly. I gently hugged her back and sighed. "I missed you," I added quietly.

"It's about damn time. I was starting to wonder if you kicked it out there," Jordan said teasingly. I flipped him off playfully. I wasn't on the ship for long but everyone became like a second family to me in that short time.

"Well, I'm happy you're back and all, but I am trying to cook so maybe continue with the reunion outside the kitchen?" Mira said and winked to show she was just messing with me. Lana and I did leave the kitchen, though, so I could greet the others and let Mira finish cooking. After quite a few hugs and handshakes they obviously wanted to know about where I've been and how my search went.

It took a while but I filled them in on everything, even what happened in Darensville. They obviously heard about what happened and were generally surprised it had been my doing. Lana though was glad I didn't get hurt and said she was proud of me for saving them. I figured Lana would understand, she's always liked Dragons and been fascinated by Dragon Whisperers.

"Still it's a shame after all of that you still couldn't find your Dad. Sorry, Man. Though at least you have a big piece of the puzzle now and know why he was gone longer than anticipated," Jordan said. I nodded. He's right it wasn't an entirely useless year, but I wished it were more eventful.

"Well, Richardson is home to the Hunters' headquarters so maybe you can still find some answers while we're there," Mitch said. That's true, but something tells me they won't want to talk to me. Hunters and Dragoniers really don't get along. "Anyway, I came to let you all know we'll be taking off soon. Repairs are done and we've resupplied. Zion, come with me a minute, we should probably adjust your uniform," he added. I stood and followed him up to the bridge.

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