Chapter 1/ A Not So Fresh Start....

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Charlie POV

Have you ever felt invisible, even in your own life.. Well that's how I feel everyday.

Like I'm not really here like I'm just this side character in someone else's story.

My Parents got divorced when I was eight.. and since then I stopped believing in happy endings.

Me and my Mother move to a new town almost every six months so I've never had a place to call home.

But for some reason I still have my hopes up that maybe just maybe this could be my forever home.

Even though we've only been here for two days....

For some reason my mom thought it was a good idea to enroll me in school halfway into my junior year, because everyone knows how easy it is for teen girls my age to make friends.

"Charlie, Honey?" My mom calls from the living room "Did your alarm not go off, school starts in fifteen minutes. 

My head shoot up from my book, as I check my stupid phone and realize it was on silent.

You think I would've learned by now but here we are.

"Thanks Mother!" I yell back tying my four year old converse together. 

They were my first pair of tennis shoes I ever bought with my own money. I ended up getting a job at the library.

I haven't had many jobs, never being in one place long enough, and you may be thinking I was thirteen when I had my first job isn't that under age? Well to tell you the truth for some reason I was born with an impeccably intelligent Mind. And it also helped that I look way older then my age. I was mistaken as a twenty year old yesterday

Im getting ahead myself. This is why I have no friends. And I'm gonna live with my mother the rest of my life.

"CHARLIE!" My mom yells again snapping me from my thoughts

"Sorry!" I say as I make it to the front door.

She grabs my wrist softly as I run past her. I turn to look at her. As her gray stormy eyes grinned back at me.

"Have a good day at school Baby." She smiles brightly pulling me in for one of her famous comforting hugs.

"I will." I say back as she lightly kisses my forehead.

I make it to school after being on one of the most stressful bus rides I've ever had.
One guy kept starring at me the entire ride.

The girl in front of me had hair so long it was draped over my legs.

The guy behind me had his window rolled down. (As it was freaking snowing outside)

And my ear phones stopped working.

So anyways it wasn't the greatest experience.

And here I was my fifty third first day of high school.

You may think I'm being dramatic but I did the math.

The school was a lot bigger then I expected four floors!

As I walk into the building you'd think I would have found the office or a map on where the heck I'm supposed to go but nope. Just in empty hallway with lots of closed doors.

I decide to look around and read every number I'm looking for room 101. And for some reason I'm on the first floor and all the doors start with two.

So now I'm kinda feeling like an idiot and I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing.

"Hey, new girl. You seem lost?"

A deep voice speaks behind me.

I turn around startled.

"How did you know I'm new?" I blurt out the question I meant to keep in my head.

He chuckles quietly.

"I've lived here my entire life I know everyone at this school, and yet I've never seen you before. He raises his eyebrows jokingly accusatory.

I change the subject. "I'm looking for room 101, I don't suppose you know where that is?"

I question him finding a new serge of confidence.

He smiles back at me. And I fully look at him. In the back of my mind he looked kind of familiar though that made zero sense because I've never seen him before.

You know when you see a person you've never met but the face, your remember that face from somewhere.

That was the deep feeling I was having then, but I couldn't let that register.

The guy in front of me was attractive or what most girls my age would call 'super hot'

He had dark wavy brown hair, his green eyes were like a field of grass. Bright yet soft.

He had very defined face muscles which lead me to believe he did some sort of sport.

And his outfit consisted of a large gray hoodie with tight tarred ripped jeans.

"Yeah I do, I was heading there, want to me show you?"

I nod my head relief flooded through me. Maybe my first day won't be as bad as last time.

We turn the corner of the hallway and he breaks the silence.

"So, where are you from New Girl?" He put emphasis on my super original nickname

I ponder the question and shake my head there's really no reason to answer when I'm just gonna leave in a couple weeks anyway.

"Well I guess that's a sore subject." He says trying to read my expression.

He would have better luck trying to read a book upside down, and I'm not being dramatic.

"So are you always this quiet, or do you have trouble speaking."

I sigh annoyed. "I've spoken to you before, I just don't see fit to, as of this moment."

"And why are you talking like that, there's no reason to speak like that in a high school."

He questioned me again.

"Well your the one who wanted  me to speak, won't you make up your mind. This quite ridiculous" I say in my incredibly fake British accent.

He laughs and pretty hard I might add. "Your really funny."

He says looking over to me I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

And he chuckles again. And then stops in front of the stair case.

"Our class is just down those stairs, I thought I should let you know since I'm leading you into the basement and we just met."

I chuckle. "Well that's polite of you."

He smiles "My names Aiden by the way." He says as I walk down the stairs.

I turn to look at him. "Charlie." I say back to him as I open the classroom door.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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