he has even more trauma now

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broski I got my phone taken away but I'm stubborn so whatever. pls ignore the picture

tw mentions SA


She is not going to get away with this, not this time.

"Codykins!" She bounced over to us

"Ugh, why are you always with that stupid bookworm?! You should be spending more time with me than that nobody. He'll never love you like I do!" She shouted

He was shaking and I could tell he was starting to tear up. My blood started to boil, I wasn't going to let her get away with this shit again.

"Are you okay, Cody?" Gwen asked and walked over to him

He nodded and covered his ears.

"Sierra, fuck off!" I shouted and flipped her off

He was mumbling something over and over again. I couldn't hear it due to Sierra whining and screaming.

"What's happening?" Heather asked and sat by me

"Sierra is causing him to have an anxiety attack."

"Why? Is she really that terrifying." Heather asked like it wasn't terrifying to have someone know every little thing about you when you've never seen them in your life.


His eyes were shut and his fingernails were digging into his skin.

I looked over at Sierra, who was still standing there and rolled my eyes. Why couldn't she just take a hint?!

"Sierra, you're not helping, get the fuck out?"

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Literally anywhere else!"

"My Codykins needs me!"

"He doesn't need shit from you!"

"You're an idiot!" she screams, causing him to panic even more

"You're a jackass who can't take a fucking hint, now leave!"

Us arguing wasn't helping Cody, and it making it worse actually.

I grabbed his hand and help it tightly. He seemed to calm down a bit, but not much.



He opened his eyes and stared at Sierra in fear. God, she really fucked him up, didn't she?

I grabbed both of his hands, trying to get him to stop paying attention to her, but he just stared at her looking like she just shot someone.


Why is this happening? She isn't gonna touch me again, right? Please, don't, please, don't, please leave me alone. She didn't even know I was awake the first time, I was awake. I dealt with all the pain, she was to wrapped up in her fantasies to even listen to me cry and whine and beg. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to get away from my terrible parents, and be happy for a few weeks. 

Why me? Why did she fall in love with me? Whats so amazing about me? Maybe someone actually handsome and worth loving, would at least make a bit more sense, even though it was disgusting the way she showed her fake excuse of love. But she became obsessed with me, a cowardly, idiotic, worthless, weakling who couldn't defend himself to save his life. Its sad honestly, that someone could fall in love with me. How low do your standards have to be? 

Suddenly, she hugged me and put my head on her shoulder. I felt myself start to shake

This wasn't happening, this isn't real, it isn't supposed to happen like this. I tried to move, I tried to fight back, I tried to say something. But nothing was working. My body wasn't responding. All I could focus on was her. All I could hear was her voice, all I could feel was her skin pressing against mine.  

I started to hyperventilate as I felt eyes start to water. 

What terrible sin did I commit to deserve this? 

I got roughly pushed to the side and Sierra let go of me. I calmed down slightly and I could tell that Noah and Sierra were arguing. What if she hurts him? Its one thing if she hurts me but another if she hurts him!

Noah must've noticed me panicking because he looked worried.

"Cody? Are you okay."

"Uhh." I mumbled and stared at Sierra "Yeah." He got the hint.

"Sierra, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but if you touch him again I will choke you out."

Suddenly, he slapped her across the face. And as much as I loved that and thought it was hot, she was going to kill him.

Gwen and Heather just sat there dumbfounded while Sierra was growling at Noah

"Woo woo woo! Fuck her up!" Gwen shouted

Sierra was about to say something but the intercom came on

"EVERYONE COME TO THE ELIMINATION ROOM NOW! WE HAVE SOME VERY INTERESTING NEWS!" Said Chris, followed by him and Chef doing their evil laughs.

Well this was going to be fun

it took me 4 hours to write this shit

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