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*Charlie is one*

it is a child day in august 1997, the boys and Charlie with where in Scotland staying at balmoral castle, with their father's side of the family.

Will, Harry and Charlie were sat in Wills room on the bed whilst Diana was on the phone to them.

"Now that I've heard from the both of you two where is my little baby" Diana said on the phone causing Charlie to shriek happily.

"I hear you Lottie, I hear you baby girl, I miss you I will see you soon I love you" she said.

"mama" Charlie said down the phone.

before Diana said another word, they had to end the call as it was closing in on dinner time for the three children.

as the phone call ended Will picked Charlie up and all three of them went down to the dining room to have dinner.

once they got down there Charles took Charlie out of Williams arms and into the dining room everyone was now peacefully eating dinner. Charlie was sat next to Will in her highchair calmly eating her food whilst the family held conversations and ate.

as the meal ended Charlie was taking by Charles to bed for the night, cozy in her bed she fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

*3 am*

the adults where awake downstairs waiting to hear the news if Diana was alive after the car crash, whilst her three children slept upstairs.

the secretary walked into the room, it was complete silence as he spoke telling the adults in the room the details of the incidents and how Diana hadn't made it out and had passed away, after giving the family the dreadful information he excused himself he opened the door and they heard the faint cry of Charlie around the castle.

as Charles sat not making a move to get Charlie, Elizabeth excused herself and left the room to get Charlie. as she walked up the stairs Elizabeth noticed this cry it was different as if the 1-year-old knew what was going on. the door to the nursery opened and Charlie was stood up against her cot. Charlie was picked up and she rested her head against her grandmother's neck as she calmed down slowly.

"it's going to be okay it's all going to be okay" the older women said to the toddler.

as the night went on Charlie went back into a peaceful sleep and all the adults grieved the death and trying to understand the next steps after the tragedy.

however the next morning what was once a peaceful sleep turned to the opposite almost instantly, the older boys where told of their mothers death and well let's just say they were grieving in their own way, the adults where arguing with almost everything the funeral if we have TVs and radios almost everything. and to put more stress on the whole situation, Charlie has not settled all day crying and fusing for 90% of the day.

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