Part 6

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Driving to the studio, Chimon watched the clouds as he sat in traffic. He was tired from the line up of events he had scheduled this month, but he was glad now that October was almost over.

"I wonder where Perth's at right now. I wanted to go home with him last night, uhhh. I'm so addicted to him" he said aloud to himself in the car. Getting closer to the parking garage, he kept thinking of his boyfriend.

Walking up to the meeting room he saw his partner. There he is!!! His hair style is quite nice today, it frames his forehead very well. I'll need to steal a kiss sometime today, Chimon excitedly thought as he walked in to greet everyone.

Going through the to-do list, they had a short interview and a photoshoot scheduled to do within the next four hours. As Mae Add, their manager, discussed the points of promotion and other small details, Perth tried to steal as many glances as he could.

Every two minutes he would look over to see Chimon's expression. Look at how serious he is. My Phi is so professional meanwhile I'm just trying not to melt from his presence he thought.

As Perth and Chimon moved through their schedule from meeting to interview they were never too far apart from each other. One of Chimon's hands found its way to Perth's forearm or knee every ten minutes. Perths hand would also reach out for his shoulder.

By midafternoon they began their photoshoot. Leaning on each other, they finally felt more comfortable. They had an excuse to hold each other even closer. But the camera caught each movement they made. Then, standing face to face, Perth placed his hands on Chimon's waist.

Whispering to his partner, "I can't wait to kiss this part of you when we're alone." Smirking, but trying not to smile too hard. His thumb rubbed against the fabric of Chimon's silky shirt.

They were told to stand closer. Even pressing into each others bodies. Feeling his heart beat slowly speeding up, Perth leaned in and looking at Chimon's mouth.

Chimon noticing where his nong is looking, he mirrors Perth's pose. Gazing at Perths upper lip, he sees the smallest stubble from his recent shave. I need to resist. Damn! I am struggling to be this close, Chimon thought to himself.

Wrapped up in the moment, Perth slowly inches his lips closer to Chimon's. Then, moving his hand from his partner's waist down and softly grappling his Butt cheek.

"Perth" Chimon suddenly whispered and tightened his grip.

Realizing what he was doing he looked to the camera and moved his hand to Chimon's upper back. He tried to change his pose as smoothly as possible, but he could see the reaction of a few people behind the camera. His thoughts were racing, Shit! Did I just expose us? I'm so done for. Hopeful it wasn't too much worse than usual.

"Time for a break and move to the next sequence of photos" the photographer announced. This signaled time to change outfits, so both Perth and Chimon pulled apart. Perth didn't dare look to meet anyone's eyes. He tried to suppress his embarrassment and walked to the restroom.

Chimon quickly followed after him. He's definitely over thinking. I need to reassure him. I need to. I need to, I have to, he should know that everything is fine from my point of view. He thought quickly closing the door to the washroom. As Perth leaned on the sink, Chimon checked the stalls for anyone else.

They were alone. Chimon began, "Perth Perth. It was-"

"I know. It's my fault. I was being stupid..." Perth interrupted. Balling his fits, he shook his head in disappointment.

"No. It's not what you think. We were supposed to be that close. It's a couples photo anyway. If anything we were really selling it"

"But didn't you see everyone's reaction. They all knew something else was happening. The way they looked at us. The way they looked at me."

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