Alliance of the Elementals

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Hi guys I know my acc is very dead but I want to write more so I had a book idea the title is not final and the idea is very new so you guys tell me if I should write it and I'd love suggestions and ideas for the story anyways here is the idea;

Alliance of the Elementals

After dragons rising the merge has stopped and everyone is at peace but little did the ninja know that Chen had come back from the departed realm as a ghosts and he had found out that jay had lost him memory's so Chen goes to the administration and convinces Jayden that elementals are evil and that he is going to build an army to stop the evil elementals but needs to be human again to do so, so Jayden takes Chen to a special bit of the administration and turn Chen human with a special gadget. Once Chen is evil he makes jay turn clouse human back to human to and trains jay to use his powers but for Chens well being and makes Jay a very high ranking general in his army. A few months after Chen has made his army Jay kept his identity secret but the ninjas had heard rumours of a master of lighting leadings army troops through villages and invading the villages with the help of his lightening storm that would go over villages meaning Jay had invaded it once Jay went to invade a village in shintaro Vania had sent troops to stop the army and Cole had gone to help her with the finders and geo and on the battle field Cole fought Jay one on one but Jay was much more powerful Chen had trained Jay to use his powers in a dark evil way and Jay had no mercy for Cole bc he had no idea who he was and just as he had cole on the verge of surrendering jays groups got pushed back and vania and the finders took cole back to shintaro and Cole sent a message to the monastary about seeing a evil dark figure wearing black armour with dark blue lightening patterns on it. After the shintaro attack Chens army led low for a little and the ninja decided to use this time to train and with the sound of how bad the army was they called all new and old elementals to come help them fight against the neeer and stronger Chens army but with news of Jay, Nya was restless and wanted to go see him and she was foolish thinking she could turn him back so while Lloyd and zane were training the elementals for war Nya tried to sneak out of the monastary but sora saw her leaving so followed Nya with riyu and went to Chens army. While Nya was traveling with sora and riyu to Chens army camp skylor had arrived at the monastary and Kai had explained to skylor what she had missed and told her about wyldfire in kais room while Wyldfire secretly watched them from the door way and once Kai explained that wyldfire was his and skylros daughter from the futures skylor asked to met wyldfire, Wyldfire walked in and Wyldfire skylro and Kai became a happy little family which gave Kai motivation to fight in the war for not just to protect ninjago but to possible settle down with his daughter and girlfriend. Once nya and sora got to Chens camp they set up their own camp just behind a few hills so Chen wouldn't see them but in the middle of the night while sora and eiyu where sleeping Nya got up and went to find Jay on her own and as she snuck into Chens army camp she ran along the roof tops and while doing so she sees Jay running on a roof top next to her as Jay is instantly attracted to Nya but still having no memory of her they go into the same roof top and share a small romantic moment but then as Jay tucked a hair behind Nya's ear and they leaned in for a kiss Chen called form the attack pls Ning tent for Jay and Jay put his helmet back in and quickly went to the tent not planning on telling Chen about Nya but when Nya goes into the ground some guards find her and attack her and she barely escaped them until sora saved her from them with riyu and was mad at Nya for going in with out her bc Nya could of gotten hurt or worse.

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