Sunoo - High Fever

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Hii guys! Im back. Sorry for the long break, Ive been focused with school and now IM gonna make time to write for you guys. Enjoy!


It was the middle of Summer, which meant that it was pretty hot outside. After a full day of dance practice the members of Enhypen were ready to go home, shower, and maybe have some ice cream to cool off.

En route to the dorm a loud clap of thunder could be heard right before it started pouring. All of the members were a bit excited at the prospect of rain and they all tumbled out of the van as soon as they got back to the dorm. They all played around for a couple minutes before heading inside. Except for Sunoo.

Sunoo was way more enthusiastic about the rain than the other members were. To the point that he was jumping in the quickly forming puddles and even rolling around in the mud. While his members had only been in the rain for like three minutes, Sunoo had been in the rain for closer to thirty before his members realized and Jake and Sunghoon were back outside to drag the younger one in. They made sure to get him into a hot shower immediately to warm up. Afterwards the seven members spent a relaxing evening watching a movie before going to bed.

The following morning the group was running late. Sunoo, Jungwon, and Heeseung had all overslept their alarms, and the other four somehow hadn't noticed until it was time for them to go. Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon woke the still sleeping members, while Riki quickly prepared some protein shakes so they would have some energy for the day's schedule.

Heeseung and Jungwon both woke up immediately when they heard they overslept, while Sunoo was majorly lagging behind. However the group didn't have any time for any more delays, so Jay and Jake did their best to get Sunoo dressed and out the door without seeming too pushy. Riki had the protein shakes waiting for his hyungs, but Sunoo seemed far more interested in falling asleep against the window instead of eating anything.

However, he couldn't seem to fall back asleep. Shortly after getting somewhat comfortable in his seat, Sunoo felt a tickle begin to form in his nose. He tried scrunching his nose in hopes of willing the tickle away, but it only made it worse.

"Stschhhh, hih-stschhh." Sunoo sneezed seemingly out of nowhere, startling the other members slightly. Because Sunoo was still fairly tired and trying to fall back asleep, he didn't bother covering. He sniffled a little as he tried to settle back down in his seat for the short car ride to the broadcasting station for the interviews they had scheduled.

Unfortunately for Sunoo, he wasn't able to fall back asleep and his nose continued to itch. He did his best to keep the itch at bay by continuously sniffling. This method wasn't really working though, as a couple minutes into the car ride, Sunoo wound up sneezing three times openly. After that he decided to stop trying to go to sleep and he accepted the protein shake from the maknae. Sunghoon had procured a travel pack of tissues from somewhere and offered it to Sunoo, who accepted them and blew his nose. For the time being, blowing his nose worked to relieve him of the issue.

The group was spending the day at the KBS broadcasting station. They were filming a few things including but not limited to Idol Human Theater and Kiss the Radio. Sunoo was also slated to appear on Lee Mujin's Service, so the group had a very full day of recording ahead of them.

Sunoo had dozed off sometime during the half hour drive to the station. He was shaken awake by Jay, and he got out of the car. Unfortunately for Sunoo, the light from the sun hit his eyes as he was getting out of the vehicle.

"Heh-stschhh, hih-stschhh." He stumbled out of the car with the sneezes and nearly face planted on the pavement, if it weren't for Riki catching him as he tripped. "Are you alright hyung?" Riki asked. Sunoo nodded as he rubbed his nose with his hand. "Yeah, the sun caught me off guard is all." Sunoo sniffled and righted himself before following the others into the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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