chapter one - "you've got to be fucking kidding me"

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warning: this chapter includes abuse so if that's a sensitive topic you can skip the first part before the words in bold that say "she wakes up "

chapter one - "you've got to be fucking kidding me"

smack! her vision blurs as she feel a burning sensation on her cheek she looks up at the man she used to know as her dad standing in front of her with not a single ounce of regret,she try,s to run, but he grips her wrists so hard she thinks they'll fall off "did i say you could run from me you little shit" he slurs throwing the beer bottle dangerously close to her head as he kicks her in the stomach she winces in pain as she feels a little blood start drip out of her mouth as he kept hitting her "Stop" she heard her mom Taylor yell . after that she was dropped to the floor "RUN" she heard her mom scream "i cant leave you here" she cried from the ground watching her dad try and get her mom" go to the Sato's i'll find you" her mom cried before being punched by the father, she ran screaming that she loved her mom, tripping on the stairs hitting her ankle causing it to split open she cried in pain. good thing for her the Sato's which was her best friend /only friends house , Matt was the only person who knew about her father. she started limping to his house as fast as she could since he only lived a block away . she knocked on his door expecting to see him only to see his father, she never really had a good relationship with his father simply from the fact of hers being abusive so she tensed up at the sight of him "am i able to see Matt?" she said scared looking down so he couldn't see the bruise on the the side of her cheek that she could feel starting or the now dried blood from her mouth "hes not here" she could practically here the smirk in his voice "then where is he?"she asked getting concerned "oh he didn't tell you" he said in the same taunting tone "he's on a plain to LA, hes going to be an actor like hes always dreamed" she was heartbroken. yes she wanted him to prose his dreams but she thought that he would at least say goodbye "why didn't he talk to me?" she said on the verge of tears "guess you weren't that important to him" that really got her crying and at that moment the only thing in her mind was to......

run. she needed to get out of there somehow so she did she booked it to the beach sobbing as she ran she didn't care if people saw her i mean it was like 4 am so nobody's out. she ran till her legs couldnt hold her anymore and she fell to her knees on the and of the beach 'i guess you weren't that important to him' running through her head, then a wave hits her and in the face and CRASH

SHE WAKES UP heavy breathing as she sits up in her bed painting looking around the empty apartment. Everyone in the cast was paired up with someone they needed to have chemistry with and since her character Julie has yet to find a love interest she's alone, completely by herself. She's had that thought since that night that Matt left. She promised herself she would hate him forever and she still hasn't seen him since its been 13 years since she last saw him. Shes seen stuff about him around the internet but she never dared to open any of the articles. She tucked her knees in her chest as she started to cry. She decided on going to her best friends apartment that was right next to her.

She knocked quietly on the door only to see joshua, her and joshua were basically brother and sister, he was always the one to cam her down during stuff like this. He was the only one other than his girlfriend Sofia who knew about what happened and the nightmares, so he wasn't surprised to see her at the door at 5 in the morning, but he was surprised to see her eyes puffy and red. Once he noticed the tear slowly falling down her face he brought her into a hug, soon feeling the sleve of his shirt getting soaked as she gripped his shirt while gut wrenching sobbed escape the girl as she started falling to the floor but Josh caught her and brought her inside, they soon heard footsteps from and a door opening Sofia being seen in the dim light.

Let's just say Sofia was not expecting to find her best friend sobbing I her boyfriends chest at 5 in the morning, "what's going on" she whispers sitting next to Josh "another nighmare" Josh whispered back as Sophia leaned her head on his shoulder rubbing her best friends back as she started hyperventilating. They soon got her to calm down, but when she tried to leave they stopped her telling her to just stay the rest of the morning there since they needed to get up at 7 they still had two hours to sleep, while the other two went to there bed while she stayed on the couch. she spent two hours there thinking about Matt wondering if he ever felt guilty for leaving her when he knew what she was going through, she also wondered if he had heard her songs on her album 'SOUR', if they had any impact on him like 'family line" where she talked about her parents and all they put her through or the many she wrote about him like 'favorite crime' where she talks about how she felt used by him, how she felt like she was a peice of trash just to be thrown away by him, she was torn out of her thoughts by the light turning on and she knew it was joshua by the sound of him humming on his way to the kitchen like most nights she stayed over with them, which was quite often since they got back to salt Lake city to film this season, something was telling her this day was going to have something, but she could tell it wasn't good.

Thy arrived at work a little late so they were informed that the new people would be there in about 5 minutes and they were told to sit down. Ava moved to sit down in the seat that had a little sign that had the words 'Julie molinia' on the front and she noticed the two empty seats next to with one sign in front of each one. There was one that said 'Dani' that was on her right, then the one on her left 'Mack alana' who was the name of the love interest for her character, she then noticed how close the name was to Matt, but put that thought when she heard Tim start to introduce the new people having them walk through the door one by one "ok so our first new character will be Dani played by the one and only Kylie cantrall" Tim yelled as Kylie walked in and was instructed to sit down next to ava, who gave her a bright smile, while Kylie gave her a shy smile obviously not expecting them to be so welcoming "I'm Ava, which Tim probably already told you. I love your outfit by the way" Ava complimented as she noticed the shyness of the girl "thanks I love your music I've listened to so much of your alb-" but before Kylie could finish her sentance tim yelled out the next persons name "and next we have Mack who is played every one loves him Matt sato " his name made Ava frees and Josh and Sofia to look at each other with wide eyes till everyone looked at the door where Matt stood while he just stood looking at Ava in disbelief 'this is not going to be good' Sofia wispered to Josh as they saw the name tag next to Ava "you can go sit next to Ava right there" Tim wispered to Matt causing him to avert his gaze from her and just nodded unable to form words, he made his way over to Ava who was staring at the ground holding back tears, she knew something had to go wrong today.

Little did she know Matt regretted ever letting his dad convince him to leave to 'go to a relatives' for a 'little bit' he never knew what would happen if he saw her again but he had never imagined that it would be 13 years till that moment. He sat down next to her and noticed how she looked at the ground, something he always knew that meant she was going to cry.

Let's just say when Ava thought her day couldn't get worse, here she is stuck in a room with Matt since there characters are love interests Tim had them go and 'grab something' but really he could tell the tension between them so he had them stuck together to figure it out. " look I'm going to say this to get it done with" Ava started "I told myself since the day you left me I would hate you forever and I'm keeping my word" she finished Turing around. Matt looked at her in disbelief he completely forgot that he never had the chance to say goodbye and it's all came back to him

Flashbacks to 5 minutes ago

Ava walked into the studio to grab some papers for Tim only to realizes there not there and when she tried to leave she heard another voice only to realize that it was Matt's then she heard a click and check the door it was locked, she turned to see matt looking at her in surprise "you've got to be fucking kidding me"

A/n yes a cliff hanger but I realy wanted to talk about the back story so sorry not sorry for the long chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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