How they would cuddle you/How they sleep

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Puff Puff

- Little spoon so he can shove his head in your boobs. (regardless of gender)

- Tosses and turns in sleep like crazy

- Sleeps on his back or right side mostly



- Big spoon usually because he is tall (but little spoon if you want him to be)

- Tosses and turns every once in a while

- Sleeps on his side

- Doesn't snore


- Big spoon no exceptions

- Stays pretty still

- Sleeps on his back

- Snores like "sdhgbsgshfgbhsdgbsdg sbdhbshbdfhsbdfhsdfbsdhfb" like that dad snore

Dee Jay

- Doesn't care if he is big or small spoon, he gives the best cuddles either way

- Doesn't toss or turn at all

- Sleeps on his back (or sometimes his side)

- Doesn't snore

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