Chapter 35

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"What the fuck is this shit," Reid threw the photos down onto the table

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"What the fuck is this shit," Reid threw the photos down onto the table. His fingers curled into fists and his nostrils flared. I filled him in on what Max said. "He has some nerve going after my mother and cousin. I swear if he lays a hand on my mom, I'll kill him."

I took a breath, watching Reid lash out. If he wasn't pissed before he was now, big time. Threatening him after his mother was put into recovery and his cousin in the hospital was a cold move on Dex's end. Reid immediately called the recovery facility and demanded his mother have more security around her.

I looked over the note, the word "accidentally" bothering me. "Reid," I called him over. "Do you think Dex had something to do with Taylor and Cole's death? Max did say there was another person at the scene. Do you think he did something to them?"

Reid ran a hand through his hair and blew a breath out angrily. "I don't know but I'm starting to think so too." He came up from behind me and read the note over.

"What if Dex knew what Max was trying to do and silenced them before it could get out that Taylor and Cole were dealing." I pondered. The pieces form a picture in my head.

His eyes snapped to mine, "are you saying this could have been a murder?" He lifted a brow, and his eye twitched.

"It's starting to look like it," I gulped, gazing down at the note. Ever since the night we came back to the house, their deaths never made any sense to me. Why would they take so many pills right before they stepped inside for dinner? It seemed reckless and thoughtless. Nonetheless, having a large amount of drugs in the trunk of the car. "I think this was set up."

"I think so too."

"What do you want to do about it?"

"What I want is to find out who Dex is and show him how to pick on someone his own size." He said, determination in his eyes.

"I think I can help," I said thinking of ways I could find him. A familiar face popped up in my head. "We can ask Tia what she knows, her friend was brought to the hospital two weeks ago for a drug overdose. I saw him go into a room with Taylor the night before, at your party."

Reid physically cringed, a grimace crossing his face "She dealt in my house?"

"I think so," I nodded, recalling the time I saw Taylor go into the same room the friend went into.

Reid looked down at his hands resting against the granite counter. "I feel like I didn't even know them at all." He shook his head. "Were they really my friends or were they just using me?"

I placed my hand on top of his. His fingers wrapped around my hand. "I don't know, I only knew them for a few weeks, but some part of the friendship had to be real. They were your closest friends."

He squeezed my hand, thinking over everything in his head. "Can you take me to this Tia girl? I have a few questions I want to ask," he looked up at me.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now