toujours pur

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Toujours pur. Always pure. Never anything less.

The noble House of Black had been in place in the Wizarding World for centuries, their lineage dating back to a time before Merlin when ancient magic was paramount in the world of man. They were of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, and, at one time, boasted the greatest wealth known to the Wizarding World.

The wizards who descended from the Black line were destined for greatness, ancient power running through their veins from the pure blood they had inherited from those before them. They held the ear of the most powerful, a Black always seen at the right-hand side of the Minister of Magic.

Over time, the Black line slowly diminished. By the year 1984, there were but two male descendants left to bear the Black name. Castor Black and his son, Leo Black.

Castor Black was the only son and third child of Cygnus and Druella Black. A serious child growing up, bright and quick-witted, never bowing down to anyone, and ambitious beyond belief, Castor Black grew up to make his parents proud. The portraits of their ancestors were proud, too, bestowing praise upon the young boy whenever he walked the halls of 12 Grimmauld Place. But, there were only five people who he truly wanted to make proud. Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Sirius, and Regulus.

When he was 21 years old, Castor Black married Madeleine Nott, combining two ancient, pureblood lines. In the year 1979, the pair had been blessed with twins, a son and a daughter named Leo and Venus Black. The children were named for the constellation of the lion and the planet named for the goddess of love. The pair was doted upon by the entire extended Black family, the first of their generation to be born with the Black name. In the year 1980, the pair welcomed another Black into the world: Maia Black. She was named after the star in the constellation of the bull.

In the year 1984, Castor Black and his children were all who remained of the noble House of Black. His oldest sisters married. Bellatrix Black became Bellatrix Lestrange, and Andromeda Black became Andromeda Tonks. By 1984, Bellatrix had been sent to Azkaban, and Andromeda had been disowned. Castor's little sister, Narcissa, remained alone in the empty manor. His cousins were dead to the family. Sirius was disowned and in Azkaban, Regulus was literally dead. Cygnus, Druella, Orion, and Walburga were gone by the time the Dark Lord was impossibly defeated by a babe no older than little Maia, and so Castor and his children were all who remained.

They took residence in 12 Grimmauld Place, the remaining piece of their noble ancestry. Castor rose through the ranks of the Ministry, assuming the position of the Head of the Department of Mysteries, standing at the right hand of Cornelius Fudge as his forebears had before him. Madeleine took the position of professor of Divination at Hogwarts alongside Sybil Trelawney. Leo, Venus, and Maia were left to fight to make their father proud, to make their ancestors proud, to live up to the weight of their family name.

When Sirius Black escaped Azkaban and whispers of Death Eater meetings spread, those who remained of the noble House of Black were left to defend their family name, all the while learning about their past and those who came before.

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