Just talk to me

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Turning around I saw Angela, I was disappointed but I didn't let it show. "Hey are you ok," smiled at her. "Yeah, I just wanted some fresh air, I was about to go home anyways." I said grabbing my bag.

Walking to my car I waved bye to Angela as I got in my car and drove away. I know he could hear me, but why didn't he come. I guess he didn't want me as his mate, it really hurts, I'll have to accept it I guess.


I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it. I heard her at lunch and I just couldn't do it. After school I got in the car waiting for Rosaline and Emmett to join. My leg bounced up and down in anxiety.

When the doors opened and they got in Rosaline turned to me, "What the hell is up with you." Emmett pulled out the lot and drove home. "I meet my mate, well I saw her." The car came to a screeching halt. They turned around to me in shock.

"Well did you talk to her," I shook my head, "No, I just stared at her." Emmett groaned at me. "Dude are you serious, try to talk to her at least man." He started driving again, making our way home.

Looking down at my hands, "I don't think I can," Rosaline raised an eyebrow. "And why the hell not?" I explained what happen, and she turned red. We arrived how she dragged me out the car and started shaking me and insulting me telling me to stop being a pussy. I deserved it I missed my chance, but I won't give up.

2 weeks later

I'm about to give up. She won't look at me, every time she's alone she makes sure to hurry and get away from me, and its leaving a weight in my chest that makes me feel so much pain.
For the past 2 weeks jasper has been trying to get my attention, but I've ignored him. You can't say I didn't try to make it easy on him, if he really wants to talk he'll have to be bolder and try harder. Because when you want something you put your all into it.

Right now I was in  the bathroom fixing my bun and cardigan

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Right now I was in the bathroom fixing my bun and cardigan. Looking in the mirror when the stall behind me open, revealing Rosaline Cullen. I gave her a smile and she actually gave one back, "I like your cardigan," I smiled looking down as it.

Looking over to her, "Well your hair looks amazing," she shoved me a little, "Girl please your hair is gorgeous," I giggled at her. We chatted in the bathroom for like 20 minuets, I looked down at my phone and laughed when I realized class was almost over.

Looking back to Rosaline I smiled with a small laugh, "Well class is almost over, I gotta go," she waved me goodbye as I walked back to class. Walking down the hallway as fast as I could I got back into class and of course I was scolded by the teacher, but luckily her was guy so I said it was lady shit and he bought it, honestly the only good thing being a woman sometimes.


Walking out the bathroom I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't believe how lovely she was. A thought popped into my head and  I quickly walked to where Jaspers current class was letting out. As he walked out I quickly grabbed his arm and I pulled him aside, "What the-" I shut him up, "Shut and listen, you need to talk to your mate, stop being a wimp and man up, you are going to lose her if you don't. I saw that one guy talking to her earlier, making her smile and laugh" That was lie, but maybe a little jealousy will get his head out his ass.

Jasper face had a look of anger, but it went to sadness, "B-but how she doesn't want to talk to me though," I slapped him upside the head, "I don't give a fuck, just do it, I'm tired of it only being me and Alice, that girl gets on my nerves!" I stormed away to my next class before he could respond.

Today was an easy day and , I'm very happy it was almost over, right now I'm sitting at lunch laughing at Eric antics. "Yeah and then he was like-" he stop mid sentence. I looked at him weird,I hate when he did this, but he looked kind of confused. "What Eric finish your sentences, stop doing that all the time," he pointed behind me and I heard a someone behind me clear their throat.

Turning around I looked to see Jasper Cullen looking down at me nervously. "U-uh can I talk to you?" I raised my brow and scoffed, packing up my bag and stand. "Yeah no, I'll see ya'll later." I said looking to my friends and walking around Jasper to get to the door.

Walking out the cafeteria I walked towards my car, then suddenly my arm was grabbed by someone and they dragged me towards the woods. I looked to see Jasper dragging me with a face expressing anger, I could feel the tingles from our contact, but I ignored them. "No let go of me!" He shook his head and said, "Not until you talk to me!" Oh hell no, I concentrated and set his hand on fire. He looked shocked and then step to me.

"What the hell do you want?!" and he then stepped back at my volume. "I-I." he looked like he was freaking out. I was tired I put my hands on my hips and rose a eyebrow at him. "Well, why did you drag me here, huh, answer me!"

I couldn't take his silence anymore so I began to walk away. I didn't get far though, because suddenly  I felt a gust of air and he was right in front of me. "Please d-don't leave l-let me explain, please." Rolling my eyes I sat down on the fallen tree from before.

He walked over and sat on the ground in front of me. "I'm sorry for not showing up before, I-I was nervous and I didn't think-" I cut him off, "You really hurt my feelings, ya know." I looked down at my hands

No One

Jasper scooted closer, "I know, and I apologize, would never intently hurt your feelings" Darya rolled her eyes. "You know I know that you and the rest of the Cullens are vampires and that you're my mate." Jasper was left shocked at her statement.

"How?" he asked and she just shrugged. "I'm a witch, well an elemental." Jasper had heard of these creatures from Carlies. "Listen I'm a monster and I didn't know if you'd want me, I've done some things I'm not proud of, but I know it'll will take some before you can trust me, but I was hoping you'd let me court you, a-and you uh,   y-you'd accompany me for a date?"

Darya leaned forward getting up in his face, "Was that a question or statement, and why should I let you court me ?" He rubbed his neck, "I would like to get to know my mate better, so maybe you won't hate me so much." he looked down defeated.

Getting down on the ground in front of him, Darya grabbed his face and lifted his head to meet her eyes, Jasper relished in her warm hands and the slight tingles he got from it. "I don't hate you, you hurt my feelings and I thought you didn't want me as a mate so I ignored you."

Jasper stood and pulled Darya and grabbed her into a hug, "I have waited for you, for so many years, I didn't mean to hurt you, I want you so much its hard to contain myself, can we start over?" Jasper pulled away to look at his gorgeous mate. And he could see the slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Hi, I'm Darya Winters, it's nice to meet you," she said holding out her hand. "Jasper Cullen Ma'ma and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Darya giggle as he let out his country accent through.

"How does Saturday sound for our date?" tucking a hair behind her ear making her shiver, "That sound nice, walk me to my car?" Jasper smiled at her and pulled her through the woods by her hand.

Heart of the major (Jasper Cullen x Oc character)Where stories live. Discover now