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Unfolding the little paper, with some kind of white powder thing was in, bending down to the table, and placing one finger on the side of my nose

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Unfolding the little paper, with some kind of white powder thing was in, bending down to the table, and placing one finger on the side of my nose. I take a big breath and with that, all that white thing goes inside.

Holding your head with both hands, with my whole body shaking badly.

Jimin. "Fuck! You again take drugs!"

A blond man in, a leather jacket, black shirt, and black pants, yells at the female.

She rests her back on the red leather couch, and looks at the boy with half-open eyes and a creepy smile on her face, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

Jimin. "What the fuck huh! Answer me y/n!!"

That blond man yells at the lady, his anger and weirdness are written on his face.

Jimin. "Y/--"

Jisso. "What the fuck is happening?"

Suddenly, a woman comes and asks the sofa lady and blond man.

Jimin. "Look y/n again take drugs!"

Jisoo. "what!? Y/n! You again take drugs!"

That woman yells at the younger, shaking her arms, hoping she will answer anything.

Jisoo. "Y/n! Y/n! Fuck! Y/n answer! Me! Y/n, who even fucking gives her drugs!?"



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