Landing in india

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Jimin pov
I was sleeping peacefully until J hope hyung come and wake me up *
Me = hyung ...5 min please
J hope = get up company call us , we have to go .

Narrator  pov 
** jimin node , fresh up come downstairs and walk up to there car **
Rm = company really call us 6 in the morning .
Suga = my sleep is spoiled by my career
Tae = I wonder what soo important that , they can't wait few more hours to call us .
Jin = jungkook sleeping like pig
Jimin = to sleepy to say anything

* jimin put his head on jungkook shoulder and fall sleep to ,the ride was calm , Everyone is tired and sleepy , after 40 min of car ride , they finally  reach at company , jin wake jungkook and jimin , shaking them softly *
Jin = get up , we are here  

** jungkook and jimin both whine and get off from car , slowly walking to company  *
Ceo = Am so  sorry to wake you all up early in morning , spoiling your sleep and sorry again in advance that you are not informed that today is your flight for india
Rm = so sudden , we didn't even pack  our things  .
Ceo = it was very sudden actually we have lot of views from india in your last song as you all chose indian dancer in back ground of your mv so yeah  and india army going crazy over you all , so  I  decided  to send you  all to india for small concert  , well I decide this week ago but some people are not really bright in my company
* ceo said last line while glaring at manager , manager cough little and look away , sweating  crazily   *
Ceo = so you all have 5 hour to pack  your things  and please adjust
Rm = its ok , no worry

** BTS start to pack there thing and reach air port  with there bags and suitcase  to leave south korea **
J hope = God!  its so fun , our indian army , we never meet them in real life , how exciting .
Jin = no matter what situation we are in , j hope always sound so positive that we fill from positive thoughts
Suga = Agree , this is why army love our sun shine

** everyone chuckle and sit in there private jet , going to india **
Rm = please be careful everyone when I am sleeping .
Tae = oh come on nothing will happen .
Rm = I don't trust you all , you all are time bomb which can blast anytime , you don't have fix timing to blast
Jimin = we are not that bad , are we ?

** jimin turn to jin and suga with puppy eyes **
Suga = Don't drag me into your shit
Jin = yah I am world wide handsome , I am done with people
J hope = oh come on , our chim is cutest
Jimin = Only you love me j hope hyung , I love you

** j hope and jimin hug , rm sigh and fall sleep , jungkook get up from his sleep full of energy , tae fall sleep with suga and jin , jungkook eat lunch and look at namjoon direction ,seeing namjoon  sleeping  so  peacefully , jungkook  smirk and  have evil plan in mind , he whisper to jimin and both giggle evil way**
J hope = I smell chaos
Jimin = its little prank with hyung
Jungkook = not that serious .

** jungkook take out marker and start drawing on namjoon face , jimin click photo of Namjoon , saving from future black mail *
J hope = oh * j hope was trying to control his laugh *
Jungkook = hyung don't laugh , rm hyung will wake
J hope = bu..* he brust into laugh , everyone wake up , seeing Namjoon face full of doodles , Everyone start laughing *
Namjoon = what happened ?
Jin = should see mirror
Suga = ngl that called some real art
Tae = damn ,you should have awake me to

** Namjoon look in mirror and scream in horror **
Namjoon = ahh who is this ? Oh its me , . but what the hell did you do ...
Jungkook = jimin did
Jimin = we both were partners

** the choas started , namjoon sigh and look at choas jungkook created , he was done with them but he knew its part of them which make them feel like family , he smile ear to ear and sit there and look at the other members admiring them , like he want to catch this memory in his mind *
Namjoon = this is BTS , team mates being my life , army being my ray of happiness .I love you all so much

** namjoon whisper and look outside   from   window  , watching clouds , he smile softly  and fall asleep again **

Jungkook = god no army ?
Rm = the planning was sudden so no one inform army that we are here , its fine don't worry . we got our space .

** all of them walk to there loaned car**
Driver = ha ji namaste
Jungkook = oh namaste , I am jungkook
Jin = namaste indian men , nice to meet you , I am jin , world wide handsome
Rm = namaste , this rm , the leader of group .
Tae = I am v , namaste
J hope = my name is j hope , you can call me hope , namaste
Jimin = namaste , this is jimin
Suga = namaste , suga

* driver noded and tell them about india and drop them hotel *
Jin = I am tired
Jungkook = we all sleep whole ride tho
Suga = Don't care About that , I am going bye

** suga left from there for his room , jimin follow , Everyone look at each other and go to there respective room to have there  rest from that long ride of plane **

( Hi! This is juhi , I am new in writting , please free to tell my mistake and if this part get more then 15 views I will post another One , for now , thank you for reading and have a nice day )

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