. 11

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The past few months have been quite adventurous. Yaya ammar graduated, i can now drive, fatima resolved the issue with her in-laws, i resumed school, basma is starting to move on, and i also got to see a completely different side of sa'ad. The soft and romantic side which I loved so much. Lastly hauwa's wedding is already here.

The girls left yesterday apart from fatima because she resumed school, but I had to wait because i was writing my last exam for the semester. Basma insisted on waiting for me since she doesn't offer the elective course, but I assured her it was fine, and forced her to follow them.

When i got out of the hall and prayed zuhr, i called baba to confirm. He said he'll send a driver that'll take me to the train station  since the girls already left with my belongings.

After confirming, i tiredly strolled to the parking lot just to see sa'ad standing with some guy.

What is he doing here?

We made eye contact which made him smile and gestured me to come.

"Ina wuni." I greeted the other guy and smiled at sa'ad. He smiled back then held my hand.

"Arwa, this is habib, my coworker's brother. Habib, arwa, my fiance."

He introduced me as his fiance

He freaking introduced me as his fiance

I know the formal introduction is done but still

My heart did a happy jump while i tried to hide my blush as we exchanged greetings with habib.

"Wani department kike?"


"Ohkayy. Im the HOD pharmacy department. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

"In shaa Allah, thank you so much."

He left after a handshake with sa'ad

"So you're the driver? "

"At your service ma'am."

I chuckled and he led me to the car

Immediately i opened the car, i saw a basket filled with flasks

It reminded me of how hungry i was

"Is this for me? " I gave him the widest smile i could when he entered the car

"No its for the person behind you. " He mimicked my voice

I'll get back to him, bari in qoshi

Immediately i opened the flask, i knew it was umma's doings

She knows how much I love pankasau with miyan taushe

I didn't wait for anything else when i dailed her number to thank her

Both sa'ad's parents are quiet, so i don't even know where he got his loud side from, fatima included.

"Yanzu kika tuna da ni koh? " He huffed when i turned to him after wiping my hands.

"Yurrr. I was so hungry."

"How was the paper?"

"Hell. Hell babe."

This wicked man had the guts to laugh at me. He was even banging his hand on the steering wheel.

"I hate you."

"Its mutual."

I hissed. "You'll ask me to send you pictures later."

"When i have khairat, ga basma. Dey play."

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