2.0 - the wedding

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"I think I'm done." I opened my eyes so I could look at myself in the mirror.

Rosita just did my makeup for the wedding. She left it looking very natural. It didn't look caked on, but you could tell I had some on.

"Did I not do good?" She pouted. I just looked at her like she was crazy. "It looks great, thank you." I smiled towards her.

She looked at me for a moment and sighed. I stood up so I could put my heels on.

Once I had them on, I grabbed everything I needed and sighed.

"I'll be back later." She tells me how she hopes everything goes okay and to have fun.

I was meeting Carl at his house so we could leave from there and walk in together.

I drive to Carl's, a little nervous for how this is going to go. I feel like I'm going to be calming him down the whole time.

When I get there, I pull up against the curb knowing his dad's cruiser is in the driveway.

I get out of the car and walk up to the door. I knock on the door, waiting to be come in.

A moment later, the door swung open revealing Rick. He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, you can come in." I walked in, and I didn't see Carl anywhere.

I heard the door close causing me to look. "Carl should be done getting ready here in a minute so you can sit down."

I nodded and went over to the couch. I noticed he had his uniform on so I'm assuming he's working tonight.

"I just wanted to thank you for going with Carl to this wedding." He spoke. I smiled lightly towards him.

"I just want to be there for him. I know he wouldn't be able to go by himself." I tell him.

I know Carl would do the same thing for me. "And that's why I like you." Rick saying that made me extremely happy.

"Hey dad, do I really have to wear a tie?" I heard Carl's voice come down the stairs.

I stood up so I could see him come down the stairs. My breath caught in my throat when I saw what he was wearing.

He had on dark blue dress pants, a black button down that's tucked into the pants, and a matching blue suit jacket.

I would be lying if I said he didn't look good. He looked more than good, he looked great.

I was checking him out so bad, I didn't even realize he was checking me out as well.

"I guess if you really don't want to, you don't have to." Rick spoke, breaking our eye contact.

Carl cleared his throat before speaking. "Thank God, I didn't want to." He tossed it over on the couch.

He made sure he had everything and asked if I was ready. I nodded my head as we both sighed and looked over at Rick.

"Try to have some fun. I know it's not the best situation but at least try." He spoke as we all walked out the door.

Carl just shook his head as he opened the car door. "We'll be back later." We shared our goodbyes and drove our separate ways.

It was quiet for a moment, Carl kept glancing over at me. "You look nice." He complimented me.

I smiled for a second, but dropped it. He's just being nice. "You look nice too." The ends of his mouth curved up into a smile.

Twenty minutes later, we made it to the church. He parked the car and sat there.

I could tell he was debating on going in. "Hey, you're not alone." I tell him. He fakes a smile and nods his head.

We get out of the car and walk towards the church. I could tell he was mad because of his deep breathing.

We sat in a pew towards the back and waited for it to start. When the music started, we started looking around.

When I assume Shane walks down the aisle, I could see Carl's hand turn into a fist.

I think fast and lace my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand, not letting go.

I could see his face relaxing for a moment. When they started playing the music for his mom, we all stood up.

I watched her walk down the aisle and she looked really pretty in her dress. I could see a lot of Carl in her.

The ceremony didn't take too long. The officiant, his name was Gabriel, did a really good job.

When his mom and Shane kissed, I could see his jaw tightening out of anger.

I hate he's going through this. He's watching his mother marry his dad's ex best friend after she cheated on him.

I wouldn't know how I would react. When the wedding is over, we go to the reception.

I sat with him at a table, waiting for them to get done taking pictures.

"You look a lot like your mom." I make conversation with him.

I could see him smile a little as he drank a can of coke. "I get that a lot." He mumbles.

It wasn't another twenty minutes before the newlyweds walked in. They scanned the area and her eyes locked on Carl.

I could see him shift in his seat. A big ass smile came onto her face as she walked over to us.

Carl stood up to give her a hug. "I didn't think you were coming." She happily told her son as she wrapped her arms around him.

I stood up too but just stood there awkwardly. "Yeah, I didn't think so either." He shrugged when she pulled away.

You could feel the tension. "It's been so long since I've seen you." I looked behind her to see Shane just watching them.

"Yeah, I've been busy." He speaks briefly. Her eyes travel to her son to me. Her smile becomes bigger if that's possible.

Her eyes then flickered from me to him. "Who's this?" She asked as I fake a smile.

"My name is Vanessa, I'm a friend of Carl. He invited me so I hope it's okay." I tell her.

"That's more than okay. It's nice to meet you." She tells us how they're needed at the table so they leave.

We sat back down and listened to them toast to Lori and Shane while we ate our food.

Eventually they started playing music, people going out and dancing. Eventually they started playing a slow song.

Carl stood up causing me to look up at him. "Do you wanna dance with me?" I nodded my head yes.

I took his hand, stood up, and followed him to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around him as we started dancing.

I looked at Shane and Lori to see them staring at us. "Your mom and Shane are staring." I tell him.

He glanced over at them. "Let them." He looked down at me. I wonder what he was thinking of.

"You know when we first met, I didn't like you." He admitted. I laugh a little knowing this was common knowledge.

"Really? I had no idea." I tease causing him to roll his eyes. A small smile also formed on his lips.

"I think it was because you were the only person to treat me like a human and I didn't know how to handle it."

This part I was a little surprised about. "Well it looks like you can handle it now, so that's good." I smile at him.

"It's cause I didn't realize how much you would understand." I feel like this proves that he feels the same connection I feel.

I could feel the cartwheels in my stomach. "I'll carry your hurt, Carl. I hope you can handle that."

He starts looking in between my lips and my eyes. I didn't know how to feel but my heart was racing.

"I think I can." He then started to bend down. And before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

I made sure to finally kiss him back.

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