snowflakes and shocks

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hi guys officially getting into the start of the story, it's my first gossip girl story so would rly appreciate any feedback on it, and if you have any storyline ideas or suggestions please make them known, please ask excuse any spelling mistakes but if u can't understand any words pls let me know
hope you enjoy the story

also ik i said i was starting it at the wedding scene but i can't seem to get into that part of the story
i will add it in later on everything about carter but for now i'm starting it at the snowflake ball
erin xxx

One of my favourite nights of the winter season has came around - the snowflake ball. My dress was laid out, my outfit all planned. This was my first event since i have officially been over Carter, i was actually excited. Despite the fact i was going single i didn't even care.
Chuck arrived at my door " You ready to go" he said. "Of course just let me get my bag".
" You really took single girl to a whole other level, talk about getting over baizen"
" thanks i really feel happy and actually excited for an event for the first time"
we walked out to the limo, blair date was already in the limo, "you really are just giving a lesser version of u" i whispered to chuck, " you two just need to come to your senses accept that you are meant for each other. Then chuck gets a call from Nate asking him could he pick him up before the ball, "do you mind if we make a stop" asked chuck. Knowing that it's not even a questions i say "of course it's fine"
Nate gets into the limo " Hey chuck, liv and some person i don't know" .
We make our way to the venue and get out of the limo. Chuck and blair's date go on in to find blair and chucks date that blair had arranged for him.
"Hey you look beautiful tonight" said Nate
"Thanks you scrub up pretty well yourself Archibald"  i laughed. " Well then after you, ladies first and any chance of my getting a dance tonight" nate chuckled
"if your lucky" i said and we went into the venue. The hall was decorated ornately, the lights, crystals and decorations were beautiful. I went over to the bar to get a glass of champagne and started talking to one of my classmates. I was having a great time and the night was going great. About a couple of hours into it after having a few drinks and a few dances , Nate comes back over to where i was standing at the bar, " Well what about that dance i asked for"
" You know what nate, why not"
He led me out to the floor and we begin to dance together, it was great fun, we were talking and laughing together and having a great time.

All of a sudden Lily comes rushing over to us, looking very flustered. " Olivia have you seen charles?" "No not since we came in Lily why is something wrong" " oh olivia darling I don't know how to tell you this, your father, he's been in an accident"
I felt my heart drop and a sinking sensation in my stomach. I was speechless. "Oh..... uh..oh my god". "I just need to find Charles and tell him and then we need to go to the hospital" Lily rambled. "No it's ok go you on and find Chuck, I can go on to the hospital" i practically whispered due being still in shock. " Are you sure darling? " lily asked. " Yes it's ok I'll call Arthur to take me" i replied. Lily ran along to find Chuck and I tried to calm my self down, completely forgetting that Nate was beside me, i was caught of guard as he said " hey, you okay, do you want me to come with you to the hospital?". "No, thanks but, it's fine i'll go, you enjoy the rest of the night, i have to go" and with that I rushed away to the car.
The whole car journey i was practically pacing in my seat, my mind was racing and i could barely think straight, my head was spinning.
I arrived at the hospital, i immediately went over to the lady at the reception "Hello, I'm here to see my father - Bart Bass - my name is olivia bass". "Bart bass he is in room 125, i'll send his doctor down now to meet you there, it's just down the corridor take a left and it's the fourth door on your right." " Thank you so much" i said and i headed down the corridor, i didn't know what to expect when i reached the room and i hesitated before i went in
I wasn't prepared for the sight when i entered the room, my father, the man who always had to be perfect and never let his guard down, lying lifelessly on the hospital bed. "Miss Bass?" said the doctor. "Oh sorry, I zoned out what were you saying?" i asked. All of a sudden Lily and Serena rushed into the room, i was confused Where was Chuck?. "You must be Mrs Bass, I'm Dr Grey and I'm afraid I have some bad news. Mr Bass .... he .. suffered severe injuries in the head and I'm afraid there is nothing we can do" I gasped. "I will give you some time alone to get ready to say your goodbyes" Dr Grey then left the room. I walked over to my fathers bed side and the all of a sudden Chuck walked in with Serena, I hadn't even noticed she had left the room, Lily told Chuck what the doctor had said, he took one look at Bart and ran out of the room, Serena shouted after him and tried to run after him. " Serena" i called " Let him go". I gave Chuck ten minutes and then I left the room to find him, I found him sitting on the floor, I sat down beside him and hugged him, he didn't say a word but he didn't need to. I got up and took his hand "Come on, let's say goodbye" I said camly and we headed back into the room. The doctor was back in the room and gave us one more minute, we each held fathers hand for the last time, before Dr Grey turned off the machine. I had just watched my father die. I couldn't be there a second longer and I bolted out of the room, Serena tried to call after me but this time it was chuck who said "Let her go".
I ran down through the corridors, I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care, I turned a corner and there was Nate. Without even thinking I bolted straight to him and he caught me in his arms, I collapsed in his arms, all the calmness from before had gone and I felt like my emotions had exploded. I sank to the floor and Nate went down with me with his arms still wrapped tightly around me. I sobbed for what felt like hours and Nate never let go. I looked up at him , my eyes still glazed with tears. " Do you want to get out of here" Nate whispered, I nodded. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me out of the hospital and into a car.
"Do you want me to take you home? Nate asked. " Where is home anymore? i don't have one" i said, the realisation properly hitting me. Nate took my hand and looked at me directly in the eye, " you do have a home and you have a family, we might not all be related by blood but you know that we care about you more than anything Blair, Serena, Lily, Eleanor, me, we are all there for you and Chuck." " Thanks, can you get the driver to drop my off at the palace, i think i just need a night to clear my head" i told him .
We arrived at the hotel, i went to get out of the car but Nate grabbed my hand "Hey, wait, if you need anything you know you can call me right?" he asked " thank you so much for tonight by the way Nate" He leaned over and gave me a massive hug, we said goodbye and then i walked into the hotel, i looked over my shoulder and the car was still waiting at the gate, they waited until i got inside the hotel before driving away.
I walked up to my suite and locked the door, i needed to be alone to be begin to come to terms with tonight.

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