Jack had been hunting his Brian for 18 months and still no trace of him. Jack had been eating kidneys from people that where asleep example people that don't lock their windows or their front door. These were the people that have a lot of money stashed somewhere. But if they happen to wake up with Jack slowly carving them they put up a hell of a fight. This person he he was going for had a pistol with him. But he also locked the window and the front door. But that was no problem for Jack. Jack used to be a locksmith so he could break the lock easily. He got in, but he didn't know that the man had a dog. So when he got in he heard a boxer charge at him. Jack quickly reacted by opening the door behind him send the dog outside.
But that leads to a other problem. The man heard the ruckus in the floor Jack was on and started yelling "Who the hell is here!" Jack took cover in the shadows. The man came downstairs to investigate, but he turned his back from Jack. Jack started to sneak up behind the man and decided to take a kitchen knife for his combat. Jack raised the knife and was ready to strike. The man turned around at ungodly speed and try to fire at Jack. Jack knocked the gun out of the man's hands and have him a quick jab. The man punched Jack in the guy and kneed him two times. Jack tried to attack with the knife but the man caught his hand. Jack was still trying to drive the knife into the man as he slowly made to the man's head. The man yelled as Jack kneed the man in the stomach and drove the knife into the top of the man's head. Finally with the struggle over he could finally remove the kidneys. He sliced open the skin covering the stomach then Jack removed the intestines, the stomach, and then the kidneys. Jack started eating the kidneys. While eating Jack noticed something in the back. He got finished eating and went to the back where he saw a orange creature. Now Jack without his normal eyes can see black white and orange. The orange were known to Jack as demons. They would normally attack Jack under any circumstances. But this one was known as the strategist (a demon who can trap its prey by leading it through corridors and hallways. It spits orange venom and is very quiet). When Jack normally kill these creatures he gets a clue of where Brian might be. So Jack ran after it. He stopped at a hallways realising that the strategist trap people in the corridors and hallways. So Jack looked around for the man's gun before entering. Jack found it underneath a kitchen table and looked down the hallway. He looked at the ceiling and the ground and started walking through. When Jack halfway through the hallway He say the hallway get longer and giant screams in his ear as the strategist lunged at him. Jack fought back the jaws of the thing as it but down deeply into his arm. Jack yelled as he stuck the gun right next to the demon's head and fired three times. The creature lied on Jack as he struggled to get the giant creature off of him.
Jack finally got the dead creature off of him and saw a note. It said that Brian was in Detroit and that if he comes closer to him that Jack will be killed. Jack panted as he got up and walked out of the man's front door letting the dog in. Jack made a run for the woods as he heard yelling. Jack headed to the sewers where he normally walked to different states through the different pipe lines. Jack got a map and headed to Michigan.