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London, England

Dakota Clark leaned back into the warm embrace Justin provided as she let her eyes roam the chaotic hotel suite they'd all congregated in. Justin traced her cheek with a fingertip, "You look happy." He commented and she could hear the smile in his voice.

"I am. Right now, right at this moment I am." She said, smiling back at him. "When I'm with you and the guys, I feel safe."

As she said them, she not only realized how true her words were, but maybe how sad they were. People on the outside saw her life as entirely perfect. Very few people saw how broken she was in moments where she was completely alone. And while Justin could understand so many aspects of her life, she knew he didn't even completely know or understand the darkness she could feel in her.

"Heads!" Came a yell from across the room and Dakota ducked as a basketball flew into Justin's suddenly raised arms.

"Nice catch!" Landon called with a wink from across the room. "The pool's open, anyone up for a swim?"

Rider, his ice blue eyes sparkling as he watched Mackenzie called, "Mack's always ready for a swim."

The woman in question shook her head, "Sorry buddy! Not when I'm on the clock."

"Denied. Again." Justin whispered with a wink to Dakota. "Poor Rider."

"Come on Mack," Oliver almost whined in his impressively deep voice. "We can take a break. I promise I won't mind."

Oliver was the youngest of the boys and the only one still trying frantically to finish his high school education in the midst of their boy band fame that had exploded with the turn of the century boy band craze. Mackenzie was the lucky tutor who'd been hired on two years earlier to help him and Justin finish up their schooling.

Justin had officially 'graduated' the year before, but they'd all accepted Mackenzie willingly into their group. Dakota wondered what the woman would do once Oliver was officially tested out of school in the next few months. Rider would be heartbroken. He'd been almost desperately flirting with her for the past two years and it had become somewhat of a running joke between all of them.

Jax ran behind their couch and stole the basketball from Justin, tossing it across the room to Rider. "Landon and I found some pretty cool clubs last night. Who's up for going out dancing tonight?"

Oliver held his hands up for the ball and to volunteer, "I'm in!"

Before Rider could pass him the ball, Mackenzie pulled Oliver's hands down, "Sorry buddy, I have strict instructions that you're not allowed out past your curfew. Besides, don't you guys get enough dancing in with all those rehearsals you've had this week?"

Dakota jumped up from the couch, pulling Justin up to join her she broke into a dance routine that he joined in, "Mack, you can't get enough dancing. You just can't!" Dakota loved dancing, she loved moving to the music and the physical challenge it gave her.

Dakota held her hands out for the ball and Rider tossed it to her, "I'm in for dancing."

Jax groaned a little, "That means we have to sneak out! You and your pretty blonde hair and dark eyes make being incognito impossible!"

"Watch it, Jax!" Justin threatened with hints of jealousy in his voice. He stole the ball from Dakota and tossed it at Jax with some force behind it.

"Let's dye my hair!" Dakota said, feeling some excitement about the idea.

The room seemed to freeze at the suggestion, Justin looked at her incredulous. "Are you serious, Kota? Your hair is like your signature."

She snorted, an annoying habit that she couldn't seem to break. "I'd hope that my music is more my signature than my hair. Besides, my natural hair color is somewhere between black and brown." She wheeled around to Mackenzie, "Will you help me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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