The Jersey | Connor Bedard

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It's Saturday, November 4th, and I'm on my way with my best friend to go watch the Blackhawks vs and the Panthers game. My best friend had surprised me earlier with tickets for today's game as a birthday gift, yes it's my birthday.

I have my Blackhawks Johnson jersey on and some black flared leggings with some red dunks. My makeup wasn't the most, it was just something light and natural and I made sure my natural curly hair was just the right amount of poofyness. It was a home game so the drive to the stadium wasn't very far, the game was at 7:30 which left us some time to find our seats and get some drinks and food. 

"Do you wanna get some food before we go find our seats?" Estrella asks me.

"Yeah sure, but I'm paying. You already got us these tickets. What seats do we have again?" I ask her as we get in one of the lines to order food.

"Oh, I'm not really sure. I'll just check when we go find our seats." She says hesitantly, I know she's lying but I just dismiss it and take my turn to order.

"Hi, can I get some nachos, a hot dog and a lemonade please?" I ask as turn to Estrella.

"Yeah, anything else?" The cashier asks. 

"Estrella?" I give her a 'order what you want look'.

"Oh, can I get two hot dogs, a bag of popcorn and a Coke please?" Estrella replies.

"Yeah, so two hot dogs, one bag of popcorn, one nacho, a lemonade and a Coke, is that all?" The cashier asks.

"Yeah, that's all." I reply.

"That'll be $18.50." The cashier responds.

I take out the money and I hand it to the cashier, "Here you go."

"$1.50 is your change. Here are your drinks, with your snacks. Your hot dogs will be out in a moment." He hands us our drinks and snacks along with my change and we move over and wait for our hot dogs.

I put my change in my pocket and grab us two straws and some napkins. After we get our hot dogs we head to our seats.

"Sooo, apart from getting just some regular tickets to see the game I got us good seat tickets and..." She starts.

"There's more?!" I ask her shocked as stop.

"Yeah, the opportunity to meet the team after the game." She says with a smile, she pulls me along with her and I follow her to our seats. Our seats were right next to the penalty box which was straight across from the Blackhawks' benches.

"Wha- how?" I look at her in awe and confusion.

"Wellll, you remember that guy I told you I met when I brought my brother to hockey tryouts two months ago?" She responds.

"Yeahh?" I skeptically say.

"Welll, I forgot to mention that he's a left wingman for the Blackhawks." She says excitedly.

"What?! Who is it???"

"It's Lukas Reichel. He's so fine dude, and he's really sweet, he even offered to help my brother out with hockey."

"Damn, and when were you planning on telling me?"

"Today, when we go meet the team. It was a surprise, I know you have a crush on Bedard so I thought I'd get you a little meet n greet." She smiles cheekily.

"Well, thank you, I appreciate you using a guy to get us good seats and a VIP pass to meet the team." I say with some sarcasm.

"I'm not using him, he offered me tickets and us meeting the team was basically him wanting to introduce his girlfriend to the team. He said he'd give me an extra pass for you because I explained it was your birthday."

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