Great Expectations

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Romeo drove up by his friends house and honked his horn.

Romeo: "Hey, looking good Mr.Farrell

Mr F: "A man's best friend is his Mercedes, Romeo.

Romeo: "Oh, I'll remember that."

Brad: " Any-- Anything is possible if you Just believe. Anything is possible if you Just..."

Mr F: "Audition today, son?"

Brad: "Yeah, Tell Mom."

Mr F: "Knock them dead."

Brad: "Dad. Now, do you see what I have to go to school in? No offense, Romeo. Honestly, don't you feel sorry for me?"

Mr F: "No, I feel sorry for the three cars we got you, that you totalled."

Brad: "Okay. All right."

Romeo clears his throat looking at Brad.

Romeo: "Brad what are you wearing?"

Brad: "What? This is my Snoop Dizzle look."

Romeo: "I cannot drive you to school like that."

Brad: "Romeo, I am a Method actor, okay? This is part of my training."

Romeo: "I know, I know, I know. But look at this."

Brad: "All right. Take two."

Brad gets out of the car and heads back inside to get change.

Romeo is driving into the High School Car Park.

Brad: "Primo parking spot dead ahead."

Michelle: "Okay, there's a spot. There's a spot."

Brad: "Sam, watch out. Watch out."

You snooze, you Lose!" Shouted the girls from the car laughing."

Brad: "Well, if it isn't Reina Cummings and her ladies in waiting."

Reina, Michelle and Amber are stood at the car talking and laughing.

Brad: "Shelby wants me so bad."

Romeo: "You've never even talked to her before."

Brad: "Oh, I've talked to her. Okay? In my mind. And let me tell you, in my mind, she wants me so bad."

Romeo: "Brad, you could do so much better than Reina Cummings. Even in your mind." 

Brad is looking around for another spot.

Brad: "There's another spot."

Romeo: "Got it."

But just ask Romeo started his car to drive in Vanessa pulled into before Romeo got the chance.

Romeo: "Come on."

Vanessa and Julie get out the car.

Reina: "Vanessa!"

Reina and the girls walk over to Vanessa and Julie and they all start talking.

Romeo: "I swear people like Reina and those girls are genetically programmed to find each other. How can so much ego be in one friendship?"

Brad: "Imagine what they say about you."

Romeo: "They don't even know I exist."

Amber: "Eeewww! Stalkerazzi at 3'o'ciock."            

Amber points in Romeo's direction.

Reina: "The white zone is for cool people oniy. No geeks."

Brad: "And you thought they didn't know you exist."

Brad opens his locker, when Romeo runs over to him.

Romeo: "Man! Your not going to believe this, Check out the girl I'm talking to."

Brad: "No way your talking to this girl."

Romeo: "Yes I am."

Brad: "Okay, so How did this all happen?"

Romeo: "I met her online and she seem's to really like me."

Brad: "Yeah!"

Romeo: "We have a lot in common, she's even a vegetarian too."

Brad: "Oh What! That's great!"

{Phone rings}

Brad: "Speaking of fantasy."

Romeo: "I'll see you later."

Romeo walks away to talk to his secret admirer.

Brad: "Yes, the secret admirer beckons."

At this point Romeo and Vanessa have no idea that there talking to each other because they hid their true identities from each other.

Vanessa: "Where have you been? We haven't talked in ages."

Romeo: "We talked this morning."

Vanessa: "I can't stop thinking about you. What's on your mind right now?"

Romeo: "You first."

Vanessa: "Well, I'm thinking that Professor Rothman's dissected one too many frogs."

Romeo looks around the school grounds just hoping he can get a glance of what his cinderella looks like but because everyone on the grounds is using their phone it's hard to tell.


Vanessa: "Ribet, ribet."

Romeo: "Laugh out loud."

Vanessa: "I wanna hear your laugh. When can we finally meet?"

Romeo: "Soon."

Ms. Darcy sits in a chair on a raised platform and students chat as they enter and take their seats..


Ms. Darcy: "I trust you all had splendid holidays. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities, Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions,"

Brad points his thumb down and blows a raspberry.

Ms Darcy: "Mr. Danforth, this is a place of learning,"

(Miss Darcy walks past Brad's desk) 

Ms Darcy: "not an acapella performance. There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition."

(Romeo and Brad look at each other)

Ms Darcy: "Chem club president Taylor McKessie (Taylor raises her hand) can answer all of your questions about that."

Romeo pulls out his phone and calls Brad. His phone begins to ring.

Ms. Darcy: "Ah, the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning."

Reina and Michelle look at their phones in confusion.

Michelle: "Is it your phone?"

Ms. Darcy: "Reina and Michelle cell phones. (Reina and Michelle place their phones in a paint bucket) I will see you in detention."

Michelle: "Uh!"

Ms Darcy: "We have zero tolerance for cell phones (Amber looks at her phone as Miss Darcy comes behind her) in class, so we we'll get to know each other in detention. (Miss Darcy walks to Romeo, who still has his phone out) Romeo I see your phone is involved. So, we will see you in detention as well."

Romeo puts his phone in the paint bucket. Brad raises his hand and points a finger.

Brad: "That's not even a possibility Miss Darcy, your honor."

Ms Darcy: "Ah! That will be fifteen minutes for you, too, Mr. Danforth. Count them."

Brad's face falls.

Ms Darcy: "Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over people. Way over! Now, any more comments, questions?" Miss Darcy sighs. The school bell rings and the students exit class.

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