Eleven- The Night of The Ball

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George rushed towards the exit and felt like Cinderella trying to make it home before her carriage turned back. He finally made it to the exit and began making his way to Dream's room, 'I am only 15 minutes late Dream can't be that mad.. right?' He thought to himself before knocking on the door. "Hey Dream it me."

Dream opened the door pulling him in. "I thought I said not to be late."

"I am sorry." George looked around the room was dark.

Dream looked at George and saw his makeup filled with tear marks. "Why were you crying?" 

"It's nothing just stupid people." He smiled back "Why you wanna meet here?"

"George, did I tell you how beautiful I think you are?"

"No... but I mean ya Niki does wonders with this amazing dress, the wi-"

"George I am not talking about how you look right now." Dream walked into the bathroom grabbing a wipe to take his make-up off. He slowly wiped it off careful not to hurt George. "There is one part of your beauty without the make-up" Dream threw the wipe away and began taking the wig off pin by pin dropping it to the floor. The wig finally came off and Dream dropped it to the floor. "There is another part." 

George blushed and Dream ran his fingers through his hair. "What are you doing?"

"Do you trust me?" George nodded in response. "Good then be quiet." Dream slid his hand toward George's back and tugged the back of the dress. "May I?" George nodded once more and turned away from Dream allowing him to reach the back. Dream began unlacing the back of George's dress. "Ya know George I realized something, I love spending time with you, I love being around you. It finally clicked when I talked to Nightmare and Niki." He unlaced another row then turned George around. "I love you, I don't know how I didn't realize sooner but I do. I don't give a shit about what you are wearing, what hair you have, or what make-up you're wearing. I just want you for you." Dream touches George's cheek gently.

"How come... I am just some broke person who helped you and look you don't even need me anymore"

"George just cause I don't need you to sing for me doesn't mean I don't need you. I still want you and I will never not want you, and your money doesn't matter to me neither does your status, George I would throw away everything I have just to have you." 


"No more buts just let me have you and I'll show you every part of you that is beautiful. Can I have you George of you?"

George looked up at him and nodded. Dream grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bed. Dream sat on the edge of the bed as George held the dress closet to his chest.

"Can I show you the more parts of you that I find beautiful?" George nodded his head and Dream gently grabbed his head. "George it is okay to speak, I need to know you have a voice and can tell me how you feel. Is it really okay George?"

"Yeah... it is." George looked at Dream with soft eyes.

Dream turned George back around and finished unlacing his dress. He opened the back of the corset dress and pulled George into his lap. He softly kissed the top of George's shoulder, "I love this part" He kissed another part of George's back "This part." He began leaving long trails of kisses around George's back. He slowly slid George's arms out of the straps and laid him down on the bed facing him. He bent down for a kiss, it was filled with so much love.

George looked up at Dream as he pulled away. "I... I love you."

"I love you, too."

George turned his head, "Don't say too, it makes it sound like you just agreeing."

"George," Dream moved his head back towards him. "I love you more than anything in this world, I am not just agreeing, I love you so much and I don't know how I lived without you, but now I know I can't live without you, you are so precious and important to me."

"I am so glad I meant you Dream." George shed a tear.

"Don't waste your tears crying now, you'll be crying for a different reason tonight." Dream went back to kissing him.

A/N: That was more than I thought I was gonna write...... Anyway y'all are gonna hate me because this story coming to an end I am sorry </3 ALSO DID U GET THE "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU" REFERENCE ":D

 Anyway y'all are gonna hate me because this story coming to an end I am sorry </3 ALSO DID U GET THE "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU" REFERENCE ":D

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-XOXO you know you love me ;P

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