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Author's note: This is loosely based on and follows my last one shot, but they can be read as stand alones. In this one shot, I was really trying to flesh out more of Isaac's character and give Scott a bit more depth. I'd like to create a larger fic for scisaac, but I'm a bit intimidated, so consider these little one shots as practice efforts!


Isaac came out of Scott's bathroom to find the other wolf dropping not only books, but expletives as well. Isaac watched as Scott stretched up on his toes and pushed one hand firmly into his desktop to maintain balance. Isaac swallowed hard at the sight of Scott's tan back. The muscles were tensing, constricting, trying to lend aid, but it was no use. Scott swiped pointlessly at a leather notebook on the top shelf of his bookcase only for every other object to come crashing down instead.

Isaac snorted at the sight of it all. A sight he wondered if many others had been allowed to see. Definitely, Stiles. Derek and Lydia by accident. But never, Allison. That he was certain of.

Scott turned to face the beta and let out a soft chuckle. "Uh..hi,"

Isaac rolled his eyes fondly and made his way through the mess. He grabbed the notebook easily and handed it over with a small smile. "Why didn't you just get a stool or something?"

"Well, here you are- my something," Scott shrugged and returned Isaac's smile.

Isaac nearly choked as his heart flipped in his chest. He knew Scott heard it too because just as Isaac could feel his own face heating up, he could see Scott suffering as well.

"I- mean..ya know when..like when- uh..." Scott trailed off, and his eyes dropped to the notebook in his hands.

When he realized Scott wasn't going to continue he went to turn away and mumbled a slight- "Glad my height is good for something," He's not sure why he said it aloud- almost as if the self-doubt was too much to bear without a small exhale, searching for relief.

"I actually like it. Your height, I mean." Scott all but whispered and avoided Isaac's gaze. He lingered near his desk chair and tapped his fingers lightly against the pleather. The mess of books around his feet still lay evident to his previous struggle.

"You do?" Isaac asked skeptically and fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, well, Scott's t-shirt. He was sure the Alpha was just trying to be nice, a way of thanking him, perhaps. Or maybe he was kidding. If it were anyone else, Isaac would have thought they were trying to purposely embarrass him. Point out one of his biggest insecurities and then dish out backhanded compliments like that's all he'd ever be good enough for.

Scott finally met his eyes, and Isaac faltered underneath the weight of the perception. "Yes. You've really become a strong member of the pack-" Scott paused and looked conflicted. "I know I'm supposed to be the Alpha and have all the answers and the never-ending hope, but...I'm still only a beta yet- ya know by nature. I never really know what I'm doing, and I just- I just want to keep everyone safe, but that has gotten us all into a lot of trouble, multiple times, and people still die!" Scott's voice began to rise, and Isaac could hear his heart rate follow suit.

Isaac wordlessly closed the gap between them and put a hand on each of Scott's shoulders. Focused. Grounding. His fingers buzzed with warmth. It was almost electrifying- Isaac shook his head.

It was distracting.

He gave a small squeeze and kept his eyes locked with his Alpha. A whine nearly escaped his mouth at the pained, golden eyes that bore back into his own pale blue ones.

Isaac felt the pull of his wolf surge forward with the drive to follow his Alpha's lead, but that wasn't what Scott needed right now. He trampled his wolf down as best he could and concentrated on his friend.

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