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I was sitting in my room polishing my butcher knife from my collection:), when Pomni walked in, she looked nervous, like always, but her face was a bit red.. "did you need something?" I asked quietly and softly, "uh...I have a question.." I put my butcher knife down on my bedside table, then sat on my bed, Pomni sat down next to me, looking down at the floor shyly. "Well, ask away!" I said, Pomni hesitated before she spoke "so, if our words are censored are our bodies?..." I thought for a moment, I haven't actually tried to look. "uh, I'm not sure, I haven't tried looking! You could try it if you wanted!" I told Pomni with a reassuring smile. "Could we try?.." she finally looked up at me, she was blushing a bit, "we?" I was confused "y-yeah.." I shrugged softly "uh, sure." I said, I stood up, trying to find a way to take off my dress, I felt the back and found a zipper, I struggled a bit, but I finally got it after a bit, Pomni just watched, then she stood up and hesitantly slid her suit off, her suit was stretchy, so it stretched off or something. And dropped the suit down to the floor, Pomni blushed deeply. I dropped my dress on the floor, Pomni stared for I bit, pomni's chest was... strange...her left nipple was red and her right was blue, but I have no room to talk since I have two buttons for nipples... what's you expect? (Ô-Ō). Pomni?...are you okay?" I asked, she shook her head and snapped out of whatever it was. "Oh-uh-y-yeah-sorry-," she blushed from embarrassment, "uh- do you th-think they work?.." Pomni asked shyly, "I dunno, let's find out~" I answered flirtatiously. (A CLIFFHANGER FOR MY LOVELY READERS ;3)

(Ikthis is horrible but cut some slack I haven't written in a while ok? :<)

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