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Considering that they needed to put up a booth for their school festival, Alicia's class immediately held a brainstorming for possible booths and activities that they could do that are not yet taken by other classes. Unfortunately, the popular ones are already taken and all that are left are not to Alicia's liking so naturally she is beaten by majority when they voted on whether to try an "emotional-support" booth which is just basically a booth where you can get advices or simple hug that could lift your spirit and the appalling "rent-your-the-one" where you will auction for your chosen person to be with for an hour.

She did not sign up for this really. To think that at sixteen they should have passed from this... ridiculousness. She's basically powerless in her case, as her giddy classmates already got the stamp of approval from the teacher in charge after deciding to merge both ideas. 

Basically, all of them would take turns in offering advice then there would be a few who would offer said hugs though Alicia managed to avoid that part she ended up belonging to those who are going to be "auctioned" since their booth is not that profitable. The idea did not sit well with her, she feels like some painting to be sold no matter how much it will cost. 

 For the first time in her life, Alicia did not want to participate in a school activity, actually she's already planning to excuse herself that day and train at HQ instead but the embarrassment! The teacher inquired about her reason in front of her classmates that are set on making her the "star" of their booth.

Honestly, Alicia does not know why she is putting up with her classmates; the teacher rejected her and instead, advised her to "have some fun" and make sure that the booth will be a success. The frown on her face stayed until they finished their mission that day.

She did not have anything against the non-academic activity of the school since the purpose of the booths are not only for those who are attending the school. The student council proposed it--with her, out of sincere and earnest intentions-- to help fund the program regarding the children of Pinggiran attending schools in Cyberjaya and since the foundation week is approaching, their proposal was approved with stipulations of:

○ All year level and section must participate in the event by putting up booths 

○ The program that will be held in the first and last day of the foundation week must still be taken care of the student council

○ All clubs must perform in the said program all throughout the week

○ All profits made by booths are to be donated to the program for the children of Pinggiran

As the head of prefects and a member of the student council, Alicia's duty doubled and well--now tripled, she's put out how inconsiderate her classmates are being to her. To her luck, Mia is not in the same section as her, as well as a certain tekno boy so she doesn't have anyone to share her burden with. 

Alicia frowned, things are more bearable when someone is there.


Ali noticed of course, going out of his way to try and lift her mood up; purposely act sloppy in the mission while indulging her in their bickering so she had the upper hand--like she needed it anyway, not making unfavorable remarks about her during their report regarding said mission, inviting her to an ice cream shop quote and unquote his treat, and converse with her about light topics... until he talked about the school's festival.

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