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"Start with just a cartwheel," Shoto instructs and I nod. We're a ways away from the others training and I can see Izuku sparring with Katsuki. I smirk as I realize the perfect positioning I'm in.

"Alright," I call out with a nod and pull my foot back. I lean back and raise my hands to the sky and lean back before my body falls forward and my whole body falls onto my hands and my feet reach for the sky before rotating onto the ground and I'm suddenly on my feet again.

"Good, now add a flip," Shoto yells, and I give a thumbs up. I take a breath and do another effortless cartwheel, two cartwheels, and I jump up into the air, tucking my legs into my body and when I extend them again, I feel a pair of hands grab my waist effortlessly and almost completely stop my momentum.


I squeeze my eyes shut and feel my body land on something hard. And soft?

"Princess, you're something else."

I groan as I slowly open my eyes and press my hands onto his chest and lift myself up. His muscles tense under me and my hands press his chest as I sit up.

"Muscles," I frown and look down at him. "Are you nuts? I didn't need a spot."

"Well, you obviously did. You could have been hurt," Izuku scolds me, not moving from the ground.

"You think I couldn't dodge your sword?" I huff at him and get to my feet, brushing my clothes off before reaching my hand towards him with my brows knit together.

"I'm saying, a rogue sword while you're airborne would be devastating," he scolds me, grabbing my hand and getting to his feet. Before I can come back at him, Shoto grabs my shoulders and checks me over.

"Sister, are you alright?" Shoto almost yells at me and turns me around like a doll before turning to Izuku. "Thank you for catching her, Midoriya."

"Of course, Prince Shoto," Izuku rubs the back of his neck as he gets to his feet.

"You miscalculated the amount of space you had," he scolds me and I roll my eyes and fold my hands behind my head.

"Yeah," I look back at him with a blank gaze and he raises an eyebrow. I sigh and point towards the open area. "I still need to practice though."

"Right," he knits his brows together and pulls my arm back towards the open area again. "You get to practice your back flips now."

"Fine," I sigh and glance up at Izuku to bow. "Thank you, Sir Izuku."

"Of course," he responds and Shoto and I walk off.

"What was that?" Shoto whispers to me as we get a bit away. "You've never miscalculated that badly."

"I was aiming at Katsuki," I admit easily, crossing my arms with a pout. "He pissed me off earlier and I wanted payback."

"What did he do to make you want to be so petty?" Shoto chuckles and places a hand on my shoulder.

"He basically called me a whore," I seethe through my teeth and Shoto snorts. I whip my head towards him, my nostrils flared and my eyes wide with daggers.

"That sounds like Katsuki," he clears his throat.

"What? You know him too?" I cross my arms and he nods.

"I knew Katsuki when we were teenagers. He's a hot head, and can get under people's skin easily. But he means well," Shoto explains and I groan.

"That's what Muscles freaking said," I scrunch my nose. "I wanna punch him in the gut."

"Go ahead and try then, Princess," I hear a low growl from behind us. I turn and see Katsuki standing with his shoulders relaxed and his arms crossed over his chest. His crimson eyes locked on mine with a cocky smirk.

Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now