『 23. only you 』

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I recommend
going back and
skimming the 2nd half of
chapter 10. kiss & tell
because it will be referenced in this chapter and i have made edits to chapter 10 in the past few months.


Mentions of the Bible are included in this chapter, however I did not bring up any specific religion. Everyone is welcome to share their opinions in the comments; I only ask that you please respect everyone’s beliefs and refrain from commenting anything hurtful or offensive. Especially in light of everything happening in Israel and to others of Jewish beliefs around the world. No one should be the victim of hatred and abuse because of what they believe. Of course everyone is free to have their opinions, but I am extremely against abusive speech and bullying, so please be kind. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 4,358

ˏˋ POV'ˎ

Despite it nearing two in the morning, I wasn’t quite tired enough to sleep and I guess neither was Taehyung as we finished up our midnight dinner and watched the television displaying a random movie. It appeared to be a romantic drama, though some of the acting was awful, leaving us to adlib and laugh at the characters for most of it.

“All of this drama will go away if he just asks her if she likes that other guy,” I sighed, pointing to the screen to gesture to the characters I was referring to, causing Taehyung to chuckle at how frustrated I was over something fictional.

“You should be a couples’ therapist,” Taehyung jokingly suggested, though his tone sounded serious.

I turned and raised my eyebrows at him and agreed, “I should. I’d be so good at it.”

“Yeah you would. You’d yell at them for being idiots and then they’d be magically fixed,” Taehyung continued, nodding in affirmation to his own words.

Nodding in unison with him, I said, “Sometimes tough love is the only thing that works.”

We both laughed and continued watching the movie, making a few more jokes about the needless drama before I got irritated at the characters again.

“See?” I sat up, pointing at the screen again, causing Taehyung to gaze up at me with laughter, seemingly excited for my next rant. “Now they’re all awkward around each other and she thinks he hates her!”

Taehyung’s eyes on me drew my attention to him and we locked eyes as his smile faded a bit, though still present. “Really now? So what should he do?” He asked me in a teasing tone.

Rolling my eyes with a smile at his mockery of me, I answered his question anyway. “All he has to do is ask her if she likes the other guy. He’s assuming that she likes that guy instead of him so he thinks he doesn’t have a chance, but she clearly likes him, not the other dude,” I explained passionately as if I knew these people personally. When Taehyung went completely silent all of a sudden, I continued, returning my eyes to the screen. “He should ask her, and if she says no, then he can make a move, because she is so obviously into him.”

When Taehyung still said nothing, I glanced over at him beside me on the couch, both of us flooded in blankets. His expression was unreadable, no longer amused as his pretty eyes aligned with mine.

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