act nine { words from the heart and the mind }

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an hour earlier
game crown center

Breathless, weightless, and ready for anything. That was the perfect way to sum up Usagi's current situation.

Her hands held the doorknob to the arcade's door, yet her body made no move to enter. With her head bowed and eyes closed, she sucked in deep breaths to both return her breathing from rapid to normal and also calm her racing heart. Luna was by her side, telling her to calm down as she did the same. The advisor herself was nervous for the girl. The lights to the arcade were out and to the naked eye, they saw a girl enter a supposedly closed building. What normal people don't see is the start of a fight a thousand years in the making. 

"Mamoru? Are you here? I'm here to talk about yesterday's discussion."

Usagi held her chin high as she walked in the dark arcade. A chill ran down her spine seeing all the games off--their black screens reflected her nervous face. Among the dark and quiet Usagi heard the whirring and music of a single console. But of course. She didn't waste her time marching to the man at the center of this whole talk. 

"Your task is to find the Sacred Gem, return it to the ruined Palace to awaken the Mysterious Sailor. Be careful and beware, the evil Knights of the Dark Queen are roaming the land . . that doesn't sound too hard at all."  

Endou read out the on-screen instructions before sliding his fingers across the control panels. His other hand twisted, pushed, and pulled the joystick for his game character to move. His eyes never left the screen even as his guest stood an arms-length away from him.

"I'm both surprised and not surprised you came."

Although shocked by the sudden voice, Usagi hid her surprised by raising her brows. Inwardly, her spirit jumped at the depth of his voice, but she steeled her nerves. "Come, sit. I know you won't like standing for the next little while." 

Doing as told, Usagi sat next to Endou as he continued to play the game. Occasional groans and muttering of curses left his lips when he failed to retrieve the Sacred Gem. Usagi watched in a bored stupor the man re-start the level and when he was close to his goal, fail and start all over again.  

"Anyways," Endou finally spoke to Usagi after failing again, "to the real reason of your visit. You want to know how I know you, Tsukino Usagi, are Sailor Moon. You're also curious how I know Mizuno Ami is Sailor Mercury,  Hino Rei is Sailor Mars, Kino Makoto is Sailor Jupiter and Osaka Minako is Sailor Venus."

Speechless at the sudden and rapid words that were fired from the man's lips, Usagi dropped her clenched hands into her lap. Even though her lips quivered to say anything, nothing past her lips.

A grim smiled etched itself to Endou's lips. 

"I knew it."

Folding his arms as he leaned one on the game, Endou raised a brow to the girl. In the silence of the arcade, his red glare was deafening. A high-pitched shriek blared through her ears, encompassing her to a world of dread and never-ending oppression. Endou's glare only hardened when he leaned his head back.  

"Now, where is the other half of the Legendary Silver Crystal? You have a quarter and I have a quarter of the Crystal, so where's the rest?" 

"W-What? I'm not going to tell you." Usagi furrowed her brows. The space around her grew colder, sending goosebumps up her arms. Her arms unconciously hugged her as Endou moved closer, his arms still crossed. 

"You won't tell me? Wow, you've grown some." A brisk laugh passed his lips. He watched Usagi hug herself under his stare, fidgeting under his pressure but meeting his gaze in full. He applauded her for that bravery, but he still laughed at the shock he witnessed across her face. He rested his head on one hand before speaking again. "Your sister has the other half."

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