act eleven { to sacrifice and restart of new life }

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Sailor Mars fell to her knees upon the sight of her fallen friend. Her eyes burned with tears. Her mind flamed with visions and memories of Sailor Moon stabbing herself with the Holy Sword. And what could she do to stop it? Nothing. Sailor Mars couldn't do a thing to protect her sweet friend. A bone-chilling silence surrounded all the air the Sailor Guardians breathed on the North Pole. A hushed cry was the quietest thing one could hear underneath the wails of sorrows from others. Since when would they kill themselves to protect others? Sailor Mercury was stumped at the idea. Yes, as Sailor Guardians they were expected to put their lives on the line to save the earth, but they always promised each other they return home like nothing happened. 

Sailor Moon's death changed everything.  

"It's no use crying over the wasted, Sailor Guardians. Your beloved Sailor Moon and Endymion are dead!" 

A roar raged from deep in the Earth. Rattling all that stood on the planet's surface, a purple manifestations rose up to fill the sky, covering all light and hope for an escape. Metalia rose to set her eyes on the Sailor Guardians after a millennia of dormancy, of waiting for the right moment. "I have manifested all my power until this moment, and now I shall conquer all!" 

The enlarged spirit moved her sights to the fallen on her balcony. Large hands shot out from her sides to capture Sailor Moon and Endymion, but a bright light encapsuled them. Metalia screamed at the sharp pain and the Sailor Guardians shielded their eyes.  

"You can try all you want to save them, Moon, but I will have my way!" Metalia yelled to the sky. Baring the pain, in one move Metalia consumed the globe. A wave of unfamiliar warmth moved its way through Metalia--it was that of good power. It was sickening, sweet to the core, and airy, but O was it so good. It was the exact boost of power she needed to expand her spirit across the surface of Earth. 

In the shadows of the dark castle, Luna, Nova, and Artemis watched the Sailor Guardians prepare to fight. In their small forms, they were no use in fighting and as vital members in the universal fight, they had to be safe. 

"We won't be any help to the Sailor Guardians hiding here," Artemis turned to the two behind him. Luna scrunched her snout, "Then where do you suppose we go?" 

"The Moon." A mint paw pointed to the sky. At the drop of the word, Luna and Artemis turned to Nova. Whereas the advisors wore disbelief and worry on their faces, the dreammaster cat wore a look of pure confidence. In that moment, Luna wished nothing more to rub it off her face.  

"Have you seen the shape of the kingdom, Luna? It's barren and we don't know what could be--" 

Nova rolled her eyes as she stepped back. "I highly doubt anyone would loot an already lost kingdom, my good friend. And plus, we'll be safe from all this fighting for miles." In quiet, Artemis moved his sights from Nova to Luna, silently pleading to his dear friend. It didn't matter to Nova whether or not the three of them agreed on a plan because she already opened a portal from her birthmark.

"Alright, one-way express portal to the Moon!" Nova jumped through her self-made portal with a wide smile. Luna stood firm against going inside. Her rambles on possible enemies, looters, or possible Dark Kingdom activity stalled her body even more. 

"What if something's waiting for us on the other side? Or worse, aliens who are looking for treasure--" Luna's excuses were cut when Artemis pushed her through the portal.

"No one's touched the Moon since the War. Why would anyone go now?" Casting one last glace to the Sailor Guardians, Artemis prayed their weapons were filled with the strongest hope and wished them luck before jumping into the gold star. Right after the advisor's white tail vanished, the portal vanished in a display of gold sparkles.  

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