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As she got closer, Madara was able to maneuver past Sasuke’s defense and struck him in the abdomen with one of the spheres that turned into a spike.

“NOOOOO” screamed Sakura. Madara shoved Sasuke to the side, as if he was a mere bug that he just swatted away. Sakura ran and caught Sasuke, her heart in her throat.

“Sasuke-kun, please hold on. I got you, just hold on” as she gently laid him down and began healing him, the familiar glowing green chakra encasing her hands and placing it on top of his abdomen, where the sphere penetrated.

So much blood, she thought, as she fought the tears that were threatening to fall.

Sasuke just looked at her with soft eyes, acceptance to his faith clearly written on them.

“Sakura..” he mustered, although it came out weak and barely above a whisper.

“Shhh, please Sasuke-kun, just hold on for me ok? Keep fighting. I will heal you, ok? Don’t worry, you’ll be ok” she rambled, her lips trembling, her hands shaking as she tried to heal his gaping wound.

Shit shit shit, I don't have enough chakra. She inwardly cursed at herself.

She didn’t realize she was crying until Sasuke weakly caught a tear from falling down her cheeks. The touch was barely there, yet she jolted back into focus as if he had just slapped her.

She looked into his onyx eyes and cried even harder; the knowing look on his face evident of what’s to come.

“Nooo..” her voice breaking, she shut her eyes, trying to calm her emotions, trying but failing to keep her heart from shattering.

“Sa..kura..I’m So..sor…rry” Sasuke was wheezing now, pain obvious on his face. He doesn’t have much time left, the only thing keeping him up being his will power to stay alive long enough to say what he needed to say.

“Sasuke-kun…please…” she was bawling now, steady streams of tears falling down her cheeks, her eyes shut. “I love you with all my heart, please, you just came back..” she hiccuped.

She opened her eyes when she felt a light poke on her forehead. She looked down at Sasuke, a faint smile on his face.

“A..ri..gatou,” were his last words before the light in his eyes dimmed and completely snuffed out forever.

Sakura heard a scream, only to realize that it was coming from her. It happened so slowly, yet only a few minutes passed, really. Time stood still as her heart died along with Sasuke.

“SASUKEEE” she heard Naruto scream in the distance. She vaguely remembered about the fight going on between Naruto and Madara. She looked up, and her eyes widened.

The slight distraction from Naruto gave Madara the opening he needed to pierce him with the same spear he used on Sasuke. Time stood still. She watched it all play out in slow motion.

She was screaming as she saw Naruto struggle and was also tossed to the side. She tried to get up, to run over to catch his fall but her limbs felt so heavy. Next thing she knew everything was black.


Sakura woke up in a cold sweat, her breathing ragged. She hasn’t had that nightmare in a while, and her heart clenched tightly at the memory of her teammates’ death. She shuddered, remembering the cold, uncaring look Madara had as he killed them.

She closed her eyes again, trying to get her breathing under control. I will not let that happen , she vowed to herself.

She has no clue why Madara became the way he is in her future, but the Madara she knows, here in the past, is a different person, and she will do everything in her power to steer him away from that future. They all deserve a better future, she thought.

The Blossom and Her Four Pillars - Sakura Haruno Where stories live. Discover now