The night of dead

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Rose: After ten minutes asleep, i already woke up again. I quiekly stand up making Nick awake. I grab my bow and one left arrow. You draw your bow. ''they are surrounding us, the dead.'' You wake everyone. 7 pair of white eyes look at you. One of them starts to scream. Its deafening. No one is paying  close attention. One of them has an axe suddenly it starts to run to Julliet. It lashed and chopped Julliets hand in half. She screams. My arrow and her scream scares the others and they start to run. I draw my bow again and pierce the beast on my arrow. Its cry's out and coughs, and dies. You walk to it and pull your arrow out his chest. Blood streams down on the ground, Julliet screams out of pain and lays on the ground to writhe. ''Julliet how much pain do you have, from 1 to 10.'' I ask shivering. ''10,10,10 it hurts so bad.'' she cries. ''Do you want to live.'' I ask. ''Yes of course.'' ''Do you want to live with this pain.'' ''No,'' she cries. I look to Nick. ''I can't give her the nightlock berries.' you say. ''Do you want to feel no pain anymore for the rest of ever.'' Sara asks her. ''Do you want to die now?'' Lillian asks. ''I don't want the pain anymore.'' she cried. ''no, no i can't. i can't.  I have sleeping pills too, you won't feel the pain for a for a few hours.'' i say. ''I don't want to feel pain ever.'' She said. ''Julliet, no.'' You say. ''Give them to me.''Sara says. You give her a berry. ''Julliet you will die, with this.'' I say. She sceams louder. Sarah stuffs the berry in her mouth. Julliet coughs and starts choking. Sara starts to cry. ''I can't see this.'' you walk away for a few meters. ''Rose..'' Julliet coughs. You come back and look at her. ''can you sing a song for me.'' ''Yes, yes what one.'' ''Pure as the driven snow, for the gamemaker. she will see me die.'' you kneel down and grabbed her hand. ''Everyone is born as clean as a whistle, as fresh as a daisy and not a bit crazy. Staying that way is a hard row for hoeing. As rough as a briar, like walkin trough fire. ''

Nick: you listen closely to her song. She can sing beautiful. ''This world its dark, and this worlds its scary. I've taken some hits. So no wonder i'm wary. Its why i need you, your as pure as the driven snow. oooh oooh.'' Rose sang high and very pretty. It sounded like the original song. Julliet breath out her last breath. she looked up to the stars, ''she is with them now.'' The cannon hits. Rose stood up and let go of her hand. she looked straight to the camera. ''Listen to me closely for all the people who are watching. This is just a innocent girl, 14 years old, She had her whole life right for her. She could've been a doctor or a game maker. Like you. But now she is here, starting to get cold. slowly. Stop with these mondsters, they are horrible killing machines. Stop the hunger games!'' she screamed. she putted three fingers in the sky. Suddenly you hear the helicopter, it comes to get Julliets body, to heal and stitch her up. She will live again. but won't see her again. 

Cedar: Everyone in the academy was watching, suddenly one persoon, puts three fingers in the sky. More follow. I do it too. Rose is a crowd pleaser. In all the district you see it happen, people put three fingers in the sky.

Rose: The capitols voice sounded again:'  Candidates, for all the sensation you all have brought. We will tommorow start again. With the still alive candidates. There will be new weapons, new life savings packet. You only need to go stand on one point, and run when the timer hits. Exept for this, there will be new, we call them disaster points, which means every hour, will something happen in one of the arena's area's. Good luck.'' ''Just a new way to get us all killed.'' i said. ''They just want another fight. We give them one.'' Nick said. ''Get some sleep all' Vince said. ''If any of us could sleep.'' Lillian said sarcastic. You climb in a tree above the camp. You start by carving something in the tree.

Nick: You sit down at the fire. You look up, Rose is in a tree. You decided to climb to her. she shocked for a second. You push for the last piece of the tree. ''strong,'' she looked at your arms and scanned you from top all down. You start to really fall for her. You lean to another branch. She shivers from the cold. ''Are you alright?'' i ask. ''No.'' she says. ''Are you alright?'' she asks. ''Yes, i'm good.'' i said. You two stayed quiet for a few seconds. ''I am going down.'' she said. ''Yes me too, or else i am going to tumble down with this sleepy head.'' i said. She smiled. she went first. she walked to her bed. '' do you want to mabey move your bed to my side, i don't want to sleep alone.'' she whispered. A warm glow went trough your body. ''Yes'' you whisper. You move your bed next to hers. She lays down and yawns. She zips her jacket up, and closes her eyes. You look at her falling asleep. You need to protect her tommorow.

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