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Michael woke up in the small like house/shack his father, Ranboo made for them to live in the Nether together.

He looked around the house 'No dad again' Michael thought to himself. It has been a year since he last saw his dad and even longer since he saw his other dad, Tubbo.

He missed Tubbo the last time he had ever seen him was when he saved him from Sam.

Ranboo on the other hand he saw some times but then he stopped visiting him. Michael hasn't even seen the real version of his dad since he died.

Michael started counting the days since he's seen both his parents. About a year in fact.

Michael celebrated his birthday alone and now has turned 4. On his birthday he would sneak into the main world and found some left over cake from the cake path.

After his parents stopped visiting him he started to explore the Nether. He even became friends with other piglin's.


One day Michael was doing the usual, just going to the main world to get more food.

Once he went through the portal he realized that it lead him to this weird place.

He looked around but all he saw was a big wall and some buildings around him. Michael was scared. This wasn't supposed to happen all he was supposed to do was get more food and avoid XD, not end up in the weird place.

Michael decided to look around at this unfamiliar place. He realized that there was no way back home.

With his golden sword in hand he approached the wall in front of him.

He could hear a familiar voice. It kinda sounded like... 'GRANDPA PHIL!' Michael thought to himself excitedly. He found someone he knows.

Michael looked up the wall trying to figure out how to get up there to his grandpa.

Michael froze in place when he heard Phil's voice, "CHAYANNE, TALLULAH! Are you eggs ready to go?"

'Who's Chayanne and Tallulah.' Michael wondered. 'Eggs?' He questioned.

Michael had given up on going to his grandpa. So he kept on walking. He passed a statue that kinda looked like something Foolish would make. Michael looked at it confused. 'Is Foolish here too?' He questioned. 'Why would Phil and Foolish be here on this random place?'

He kept walking until he ended up outside a big factory with multiple trains  running around.

"Ok Sunny ready for bed?" Tubbo asked his egg child. 'Sunny who's Sunny? Is that dad's voice?' Micheal questioned while watching outside the factory.

"Okay princess let's get you to bed." Tubbo said leaving his factory with his daughter next to him. Tubbo looks up at the mountain in front of him. 'What is that?' Tubbo asked himself as he did a double take. "MICHAEL?!" Tubbo yelled figuring out what the mysterious creature was in front of him.

Sunny put a sign down asking Tubbo who Michael was. Tubbo ran up the mountain to his abandoned son.

Michael felt betrayed. Is this where his dad has been all this time? If so where's his other dad? Who is the egg looking thing with sunglasses on? Michael couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Michael what are you doing here?" Tubbo asked surprised that his son ended up here on Quesadilla Island.

Michael replied in Ender "⎅⏃⎅, ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⌰⏃☊⟒? ⍙⊑⍜ ⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁?" (Dad, what is this place? Who is that?) He couldn't speak Ender well but he was thankful that Ranboo had taught him it, for all he knew what Piglin and the only one who could understand stand him was Technoblade. 'What happened to him anyway? He was building this really cool building, but Techo stopped working on it' Michael got along great with Techno since he was the only one who understood him. He missed Technoblade's company.

Tubbo looked at Michael dumbfounded. The last time he ever spoke or even understood Ender was a year ago and he never thought about it since then. He sure he wished he still knew it.

Michael felt even worse when his own father couldn't understand him. He had no way of communicating with him. What if Tubbo just didn't care anymore.


Michael was told by Boo that this house is very safe and no one could hurt them anymore.


Michael always thought that maybe Tubbo just couldn't find them. He now fears that Tubbo didn't even remember him for the whole year he didn't see him.

Tubbo had contacted Phil about Michael and Phil as well as the eggs went to the factory quickly. Michael just stared at his dad. If Michael could cry he'd most definitely had been in tears at this moment.

He saw grandpa Phil with... even more egg creatures? Michael ran to Phil hoping he'd understand him "☌⍀⏃⋏⎅⌿⏃, ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⌰⏃☊⟒? ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⏃⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⍜⌇⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌⌇?" (Grandpa, what is this place? What are those things?) But to Michael's dismay Phil couldn't understand him ether.

Michael was now panicked no one could understand him. An egg that reminded him of Wilbur gave him a pink sign. 'What am I gonna do with a pink sign' Micheal questioned. Just then he asked for the only thing he knew in English. " Where's Technoblade?"

They all froze even the eggs stopped talking to each other. "...oh Michael... um well Technoblades gone. He's with Ranboo now." Phil told Michael lying to him hiding the fact that Technoblade was gone past by any revive books jurisdiction.

That was the final straw for Michael. So he ran away. He ran to where he say the cool statue. Maybe Foolish could help.

He only found another weird egg thing with a top hat on. The top hat egg wrote down on a sign telling Michael to wait right there and not move. So he did what the egg told him and he just waited

Eventually the egg comes back with... BAD! "He's here too?' Michael wondered. How could so many people be here, is this where everyone had gone after the explosion?

He then remembered being told that Bad was also not a good person so he ran from bad too.

Eventually he ended up at this weird looking house but it had a picture of WILBUR! 'Maybe Wilbur remembers piglin' Michael thought to himself.

Michael couldn't get inside the house seemed to have a special iron door

So he waited outside

And waited

And waited

It's been a week and Wilbur still hasn't shown up

Michael gave up all hope of going back home or even seeing Ranboo again

Sunny and Tubbo (platonic duh) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now