Chapter 4

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV


All the students stopped chatting and hurried to their individual classrooms upon hearing the school bell.

Lotte's head was swimming with the startling piece of information that JJ had just told him.

Goddammit, his inability to let it wrap clearly around his brain was making him unable to remember all the stuff that he had reviewed last night for today's World History exam.

How, how in the name of all that was holy, did he not notice that JJ had something going for Euro?

True, they were together every single day, every minute and every hour, but that only meant that they were best buddies, that was all. But for JJ to have a spark in his chest for someone like Euro... No one would have guessed.

Lotte had feigned an air of nonchalance while JJ was explaining the reason for the presence of his eye patch.

Lotte stared at the first question on his test paper.

Who was the controversial figure in the Middle East who was executed on a wooden cross on Mount Calvary. Why did the government have him executed?

Shit, Lotte knew that the answer to the first question was Jesus Christ but Lotte could not remember why the government had him executed on a wooden cross on Mount Calvary.

The image of JJ kissing Euro on the lips was burning in Lotte's brain. He just could not remember most of the stuff that he had studied the night before.

Euro stared at the first question on his test paper.

The characters were swimming around in his brain. He was unable to make sense out of the question. None of the words would stick, they were just floating away and back.

When it was time to give back the test papers to the teacher, Lotte and Euro gloomily stood up from their desks and set down their test papers on the teacher's desk.

The teacher eyed them both curiously. Something was telling the teacher that both of these brilliant students were not going to do well on this particular exam.

On the other hand, JJ had a wide smile on his face as he handed his test paper to the teacher. But why was he smiling when he obviously had an injured eye?

"Wait, JJ," the teacher said as JJ was about to walk away from the desk. "Why are you wearing an eye patch?"

"I am practicing to be Captain Sparrow for my drama guild," JJ replied.

"There is no drama class this semester," the teacher said with a smirk to show JJ that he knew that JJ was lying. "Tell me truthfully, JJ, who socked you in the eye?"

The teacher gave emphasis on the word 'truthfully' while waiting for JJ's answer.

"If I told you the truth, you're going to fall off your chair," JJ said before rushing out of the classroom.

"Hey!" the teacher called out but JJ had left without looking back.

JJ headed straight for the school cafeteria. He had woken up late and did not have time to eat breakfast. He was feeling the pangs of hunger now.

JJ felt happy that he was able to answer all of the test questions correctly. In order to forget his misery of being rejected by Euro, he had buried himself in his World History textbook.

To reward himself for doing well in his exam, JJ decided to get himself a slice of blueberry cheesecake, a fluffy and buttery croissant with a thick slice of ham inside it, and a cup of steaming hot cocoa.

He carried his food tray to a corner table of the cafeteria to enjoy his food.

He blew into his cup of hot cocoa to cool it down a little before taking a sip.

He did not have a chance to swallow it properly. He spat it out and started coughing.

From behind him, a heavy hand had landed on his shoulder.

The shampoo and body wash smell was unmistakably Euro's.

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