Oh Boy

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Up he went, along with Hermione and Ron, to the 9 and ¾ platform. They were rushed through with their carryons as they were joined by the other Weasleys. Harry's a little sure he also caught sight of a familiar platinum blond but perhaps he was imagining it.

"C'mon Harry, we mustn't be late."

"Mione the trains not even here yet."

"Yes, but we mustn't be late, remember second year?"

"Ok, that was one time!"

"And then we never saw that car again..."

"Sorry Mr. Weasley."

"Ah, no worries. You have already made up for it by telling me all about muggle inventions like the pen. Very handy if I do say so."

Ah! There it is my dears, off you go. And be good, we don't want to start the year with a firework." Ms. Weasley glanced at the twins just slightly before looking away.

"What!?" The twins shouted.

"Can you believe it? Our dear mother, accusing us of such atrocity." One asked the other.

"Yes yes, and it's not even true."

Their mother sighed before saying, "Off you go you two, or you'll be late."

She shooed them away as they boarded the train and their new school year began.

The trip, as it was since the first year Harry's been coming to Hogwarts, was long. The other students gawked at Harry (who stumbled away like a deer), the boats were nice for getting away from them but only temporarily, and the walk was nice.

But right at the gate, before he entered he was grabbed by Snape and dragged to the headmaster's office. There was no one else there (except for Fawkes) once Snape left.

Suddenly, Harry walked into the Great Hall where all the other students sat. He'd only just arrived with Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, and headmaster Dumbledore. He hadn't been told yet as to why he needed to arrive this way.

They continued to lead him to the front where the hat sat for the new first years. There they looked at each other before Dumbledore stepped up and announced, "Hogwarts! Attention please students."

The room's volume slowly went down as students turned their heads toward the front.

"As you know, every year the first years will sit underneath this hat and be put into a house just as you have. But, I suppose this year will start a little special—" He says as if Hogwarts hadn't already dealt with troublesome years— "as Harry Potter has been asked to be resorted by the hat itself."

"WHAT!" Everyone bloody screamed with such a volume that deaf people could hear it.

"Yes yes, I'm aware of how unusual this is but do not worry. Now Harry, if you could please step up."

The first years looked at Harry (in awe and confusion) as he stepped up to the seat. It's rather weird to be doing this again now that he's older, but who was he to defy Godric Gryffindor's hat?

"Ah yes, Harry, I needed to see you. You see, I've been thinking about your deeds and your story. And I've figured it out, now I will never admit this again, but I was wrong when I sorted you. You see," and off he babbled and talked and Harry was stuck there listening as everyone stared at him and the hat.

"Y'know, a few Slytherins were in your family-"


"And I've come to notice your estranged likeness to them. Which is why you are, from now on," Harry sat up and desperately took the hat off as it yelled, "SLYTHERIN!!!"

Everyone was quiet. The world froze for a small second, overwhelmed by the change of destiny it was sure was predetermined.

The sun shined too bright, the sky was too blue, the faces of everyone blurred, Headmaster Dumbledore was appalled just like the teachers, blood rushed through his heart into every vein and organ he could now suddenly feel, Harry couldn't see anything past his nose (had his glasses fallen off?).

What was he going to do? He, Harry Potter, the gossiped Chosen One, had been resorted as a Slytherin.

Everyone would think he was lying. Everyone would think that he was a spy or a liar or some freak that didn't belong anywhere.

Why did Hogwarts always start the year off with a dramatic experience for Harry?

It was quiet, everything was still.

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