Part 3

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She sighed, turning around to face you with a small smile.

'What is it y/n'

'Who are we meeting again?'

You two were currently trekking to the top of mount tianheng to meet a 'mystery person' that Ganyu knew. You had been guessing all the way up the mountain and now were almost at the top, unfortunately with no progress on finding out who exactly you were meeting.

'Y/n I promise there is someone at the top of the mountain and you're gonna like them'

'Yeaaaaa but who???'

Before you could ask any more questions, you reached the top of mount tianheng and you were left breathless by the view. The sun was just rising over liyue harbor, lighting up the rooftops of the city. You slowly walked to the edge of the top of the mountain and felt the warmth creep into your body. It felt like worlds away from the bustling reality of the place you called home, and was a welcome break from how overwhelmed you already were after 1 and a half days back home.

'Soo..... you ready to meet them? ' She turned to you.

You whipped your head round to the adeptus, the wait had been too excruciating for you.

'Hell yes'

'Well, if it means anything to you, his name is Xiao. '

At that you suddenly felt a presence appear out of nowhere behind you. You turned around to find a guy looking around your age standing in a battle-ready stance. He had dark and light teal hair, was wearing a spiky shoulder plate and was holding a rather menacing spear. Calculating amber eyes looked back at your own, the staring contest keeping up for around a minute until you broke out into a fit of laughter, your opponent looking confused and a bit flustered at your sudden reaction.

'Xiao, this is Y/n. Y/n, Xiao.' Ganyu walked into the space separating you two.

'Pleased to meet you' You said with a large grin, holding your hand out. Xiao looked at your outstretched hand with a confused look then back at you. 'You're supposed to shake it.' He took your hand in his and slowly shook it from side to side. This person was clearly not around people very often, you thought to yourself.


Xiao's POV:


That was all it took to summon me to the top of mount tianheng. I was met by a smiling Ganyu and the back of another young person. As the mortal turned around, I suddenly realised that I probably looked very menacing with my spear pointed at them. I cleared my throat and stood up to find that the (e/c) eyed mortal was staring at me.
I took it as a challenge and stared back, refusing to blink, however was taken aback when they broke out into a fit of laughter, strangely causing my face to heat up. As I looked at their laughing face with their features lit up by the rising sun, I realised they were one of the most beautiful humans I have ever seen. Of course, I kept my composure as natural as ever. I think.

After a couple of minutes of introductions and awkward interaction, Ganyu realised that it was time for her to get back to work, leaving me and Y/n on the top of the mountain together. It was awkward, to say the least. I caught myself staring at the mortal on multiple occasions, as they were watching the sun rise over the harbour. The reds, golds and oranges matched their hair and face wonderfully. Damn it, I was staring again. But they was so beautiful....

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