TRECE !!!@ dinnenertimeee woohooo yummers.

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mnngnghhhh guap moaned n groaned whlist stretching as he rised out of bed. the first thing he dddi d was take a big Fat fucking piss whooohooo !!@ buttt he stopped mid-stream and spotted a pregnancy test on the back of the pisspot. he grabbs it and notices a subtle red line on it meaning thhat it was positive what thw butt !!@ the only other person that he lived with was reyna meaning it had 2 b his. once guap finished urinatuong he went down stairs with the pregannay test and he was greated by reyna with a mouhttthfull of dog food amd milk (cereal 4 boys) reyna:" hai guap !! how did you sleep my love ?? :33c" tthe short man asked curiously. guap only stared n held up the pregnancy test in reponse. reyna blankly stares at the test as if hes clueless about what it even is. reyna: "u-uhmmm, guappy i can explain...,." CLIFFHANGAGAAA!! wait tilltl tomkirow.

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