Off To A Good Start

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John wiped his forehead with cloak in a pitiful attempt to clear his face from dried blood, sweat, tears, and mud.
John's breathing hitched in his chest when he looked up to see Amy. The sweet girl, who had once been a kind loving soul, was now turned into a monster. Her face had been carved away leaving nothing but a portal to hell.
John raised his cross, reciting Latin to be rid the demon inside Amy. But fear made his voice shake and his body quiver. Fear that the demon was feasting off of. Unable to close his eyes, John stared at the teenage girl, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Amy please, I know you're still there. Fight it Amy."
John felt tears sting his eyes as Amy let out a scream. John yelped and grabbed at his ears, trying to drown out the terrible noise. He looked up finding Amy, but...she wasn't standing twenty feet away instead she was right in front of John looming over the man.

John shot out of bed his breath coming in great gasps. Cold sweat dripped from his face making his clothes stick to his body. John ran his fingers across his face and calmed his rapid breathing.
He looked across his room to find one of his candles still burning, its light cascading across the walls casting them in an erie glow.
John sighed and walked into his bathroom covering his eyes when the light came on. He blinked until his eyes adjusted and turned on the shower. Shuffling back into his bedroom he opened one of his drawers and picked out a pair of black socks, sweatpants, and an olive green shirt.
John yawned and trudged back into his bathroom testing the water and peeling off his sweaty clothes.


I just read "after" so many times my brain hurts

John sat down at his dinning table, a cup of hot coffee in his hand. He raised his head as a prickling sensation started in the back of his neck. John looked out the window to see a tall girl dressed in all yellow. Her brown hair was tied in a messy ponytail and she carried multiple bags, with one even hanging from her mouth.
She was looking through the window with a pleading look on her face. John got up discarding the coffee at the table to open the door.
"Lisa it's good to see you!" John grabbed a few bags and set them it the kitchen.
"Well, I suppose you didn't want to go shopping so I picked out a few things I though you would enjoy...or cook." She responded walking into the house and setting the rest of the bags on the counter. John hugged Lisa as a thanks and started opening bags to put everything away.
"So would you like anything? I leaned how to cook Mac and cheese." John said grabbing a pot and filling it with water.
"Sure! Do you need help?" Lisa responded leaning against the counter while pulling down her hair.
" I don't think so?" John turned on the stove and pulled out the salt sprinkling a pinch into the water as it started simmering.
"Have you had anymore nightmares John?" Lisa asked her voice becoming serious.
John sighed his shoulders sagging.
"Yes. It was about Amy again." John's eyes had a faraway look to them.


Ughh motivation lost like my focus

Watching Lego Movie with my brother

I like how this turned out tho

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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