I'm Always Here For You

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It's Sunday morning and the weather is clement. It's neither very hot nor very cold. It almost feels as if he knows I'm coming so he set the weather just the way I like it to be.

Above, the birds are singing beautifully and below, the daffodils are swaying beneath the blaze, trying to bloom with all its might. As usual I'm wearing my white dress that he bought for me on my seventeenth birthday.

He told me I look best in white because the color white gives off the feelings of fresh beginnings and renewal, it also encourages the purification of thoughts and actions just like how I am to him. Silly me, I used to not understand what he meant by all those things but I do now.

Slowly, I walk down the path that I've known like the back of my hand. You could say that it's something that I knew by memory, something I don't have to think about. My feet will lead me here on its own without me commanding it where to go.

Nearing the end of the row, I slower my steps and eventually come to a stop infront of him. I put on my brightest smile to conceal what I've been feeling inside despite knowing that he can easily see through me. He can read me like an open book, there's nothing I can hide from him. But I can't show him that I'm weak, I have to always be strong like the way he always wanted me to be.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. How are you doing?", I said in a soft tone almost as if I'm talking to myself not expecting him to reply to me.

With a smile still plastered on my face, I take a few steps and sits beside him. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit me, I shut my eyes tightly for a second and when I open my eyes again strangely everything is white. I feel like something is suffocating me. It's dragging me to an unknown place. I need help! I screamed but nothing came out. What is happening to me?!

"Hello? Earth to y/a~ Are you even listening to me?", I open my eyes slowly to be greeted by a pair of beautiful boba brown eyes infront of me.

I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes with the lighting before shaking my head slightly. I looked back at the owner of the pretty orbs and silently scan his flawless face. It has been so long and I missed him so badly. I can still remember every little details on his face and his smile, as vivid as the blue water.

"So as I was saying... What if I have this one disease that cannot be cured, would you still marry me?" He asked, shattering my train of thoughts.

I've heard that before. I remember it clearly he asked me the same question too... back then. I lightly tapped my chin for a few times, it's a habit of mine when I'm thinking while trying to remember what I said before but why is he asking this again? This is weird.

"It depends.", I answered shortly.

"I see... But never mind that it's not like I'm dying anyway!", he said in a cheerful tone while smiling like the world has finally found peace.

Actually even if he did have a disease of sort, I will still marry him without any hesitation. Well of course when we grow up a little bit older than we are now but I don't want to tell him that, my ego won't let me do so.

We continue walking down the street that leads to my house, side by side. Everyday after school he will send me back home, insisting that it's dangerous for a girl to walk home alone. I hate to admit it but I actually like him walking me back home like this. I wish we could do this forever, I mean the rest of our school year of course.

The next morning, at school, I didn't see him for the whole day. I thought he's busy with school activities or such but even when the last school's bell rings, I didn't see his shadow at all. I waited for him infront of our school's gate for 30 minutes but there's still no sign of him. No Gemini, guess I'm gonna have to walk home alone today.

A Love Letter to Him (Gemini X y/a)Where stories live. Discover now