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"Don't go.."

Nari's breathing heaved as she extended her arm to prevent the person standing in front of her from leaving. Her legs trembled as the toxic gas filled her lungs.

"Please," it was almost a whisper, tears washed away the blush from her cheeks. She felt someone grab her waist and everything around her went numb. "wait for me.." was all she was able to say before she saw the flickering hair of the fading figure and then the door closed with a thud...


15 hours before the rampage

"So you won't be able to celebrate my 17th birthday with me?"

"No," mr Chung replied bluntly, there was no sign of comfort, sadness or guilt in his voice. "and you know the reason very well. Your mother and I have an important meeting tomorrow which might as well secure our position in the vips. If we are able to present good impression then the robots might keep us safe while destroying the human race. You should call yourself lucky."

"Yes, so now stop pestering that we do not spare our time for you. Be happy and grateful that you being a single child gets all the luxuries which the poor can only dream of! What have we not done for you?You asked us for a room, we gave you an entire floor. You asked us for company we hired Jungkook. What else does someone need?"

Mrs Chung kept speaking while Nari stared at her plate. Her grip around the spoon and the fork tightened as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

I just need your love.. Nothing else.

Her trance was cut when mrs Chung banged the table to get her attention.

"Do you understand Nari?"

"Yes I do.."

What else could she say? Her parents got busy in talking about the strategies they were going to use tomorrow, Nari decided to retire to her room. They (her parents) never cared about her, they were just moneymakers who got married to each other for the sake of inheriting their respective properties and on a suprising drunk night they conceived her. And that's how Nari "the miracle baby" was born.

Nari sighed and dropped herself on the floating bed. Her sigh was a call of distress and Jungkook who was just a peice of metal for her parents but her companion since childhood knocked on the door. Her lips curved into a smile and she straightened before letting him in.

"You seem to be sad miss Nari. Another fight with mr and mrs Chung?"

"Oh dear!I wonder how you always get that right?"

"Well it's because that has been the reason of your sadness eighty percent since your teenage," he poured some juice in a glass and handed it too her. "but that should not be an excuse to starve tonight, after all its your birthday tomorrow and although mr and mrs Chung are your parents their presence does not matter, you will certainly have a truly memorable birthday."

Saying so he left the room not knowing that his little actions had left a big impact on her. Nari couldn't help but squeeze her face against a pillow to suppress her squeak. Although she was unaware that her birthday will not only be memorable but also disastrous...

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