unexpected - jason todd

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Jason Todd was your best friend, who seemed to be destined to remain just that - a friend. Or at least, that's what you believed.

You were known for your quiet demeanour and your shyness. In reality, you just used that as a sort of shield. A shield that would stop others from really getting to know you.

You didn't necessarily hate yourself but you weren't very confident either. Every time you looked in a mirror, you could point out at least one thing wrong with your appearance. Although you tried to ignore it as best as you could, those insecurities always lingered in the background of your thoughts.

Jason, unknowingly to you, was captivated by your gentle nature. He noticed how you would blush when someone complimented you, or how whenever you walked past a mirror, you seemed to pause - even for just a second - revealing a hint of insecurity beneath your reserved exterior.

One evening, you and Jason are strolling through the city as he talks about everything that's bothering him. Usually, when things start to get too much for Jason, you guys go out for a walk, where the both of you can clear your heads. Thanks to your fairly quiet nature, you just listen and let him talk.

You listen attentively, occasionally glancing at him. As the city lights reflect in your eyes, Jason suddenly turns the conversation, "You know, Y/N, I've always admired how you handle things."

"Really?" You mumble, feeling a bit surprised by Jason's words. Your fingers nervously fidget with the sleeve of your hoodie as you glance down at the pavement, unsure how to respond.

"Yeah," Jason continues, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "You're always so patient and understanding, even when life gets tough. I wish I had even half your strength."

A soft blush tints your cheeks, and you mumble a quiet thank you, your eyes avoiding direct contact with his. The cityscape provides a comforting backdrop, casting a gentle glow on both of you.

Jason hesitates for a moment, then says with a hint of vulnerability, "You know, I've noticed something about you too."

Your gaze flickers up, meeting his eyes with a mix of curiosity and nervousness. "What do you mean?"

He responds, "I mean, you're too hard on yourself, Y/N. You're beautiful just the way you are. And your shyness, well, it's part of what makes you so special."

A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "I-I appreciate that, Jason," you stammer, your shyness becoming more evident in your response. You always found it hard to accept praise, even from someone as close as Jason.

As you continue your stroll, the city's nocturnal hum surrounds you, a gentle melody to your conversation. Jason, ever observant, notices your lingering uncertainty. "Y/N," he said, his tone gentle, "I mean it. You don't have to be so hard on yourself. To me, you're perfect the way you are."

You don't respond because you don't know how. So instead, you just look up and give him a slight smile, a faint pink tinge spreading across your face. If only Jason knew how you felt about him. If only he felt the same.

Your walk eventually comes to an end and you stop outside your house, ready to head inside and call it a day. But you notice the way Jason lingers for a moment, a subtle intensity in his gaze. "Y/N," he begins softly, "there's something that I've been meaning to tell you."

You glance up at him, your heart beating a little faster, unsure of what to expect. His expression shifts, revealing a vulnerability that matches your own. "I really care about you and I think you're a great friend but I- Look, Y/N, I like you. As more than a friend."

Your eyes widen with surprise, a mix of emotions swirling within you. Jason's confession hangs in the air, and for a moment, the world seems to still. It's challenging to find the right words in the moment. The sound of the city's hustle and bustle becomes distant as you try to process his words.

"Jason, I..." Your voice wavers, caught in a moment between surprise and uncertainty. You fumble for words, the weight of his feelings hanging in the air. You find yourself at a loss for an immediate response.

Obviously, you feel the same way. But this is all so sudden to you. You want to tell him how you feel, you want to tell him you feel the same way yet you can't. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as Jason stands there, a look of slight disappointment in his eyes. The way you're reacting is making him feel like maybe you don't feel the same way after all.

"Never mind, Y/N, this was a mistake. Just... just pretend like I didn't say anything. Bye," He murmurs, turning away to leave. Panic grips you, and you manage to blurt out, "Wait, Jason!" as you grab his hand.

"Jason, I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. It's just that I've never... I mean, I've always..." Your words stumble as you struggle to express your feelings. Jason turns back, his eyes searching yours with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

"I do feel the same way," you finally admit, your shy demeanour becoming more apparent. "It's just, I didn't expect you to feel that way about me."

Jason's eyes soften with relief, a genuine smile returns to his face. Slowly, he starts to lean and your heart races as you meet him halfway, closing the distance between your lips. Jason's hand finds its way to the small of your back, drawing you closer, while your arms wrap around his neck.

After a couple of moments, you hesitantly pull away. Jason looks into your eyes, his gaze filled with affection. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," he admits, a light chuckle escaping him.

Your cheeks flush, and you reply with a small smile, "Me too."

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