cooking dinner. (scen oneshot)

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The sun had begun to set over the hills, casting darkness upon the once lit land.

A ghoul sat in solitude, watching the beautiful sunset, and it's radiant colours: a stunning swirl of reds, oranges and yellows, all mixing together to form a phenomenal view. The ghoul smiled, sighing as he sat back on the log. He looked down at his feet, at the dirt and grass. He felt so at home, and so safe. This is where he belonged. He opened his mouth to taste the warm, evening air, and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a bellowing voice interrupted the tranquility.

"Mountain! Get your ass in here!" The voice yelled. Mountain turned, to see a short ghoul standing by the entrance of the ministry. Mountain swished his tail, as he reluctantly rose from his seat.

"Coming, Sodo!" Mountain replied, as he began walking back to the ministry.

As soon as he step foot into the ministry, a wave of warm, sweet air hit him.

"Ooh, what's that smell?" Mountain asked. A ghoul peaked his head around the corner.

"It's Rain's cooking," The ghoul responded, as he ran a hand through his hair. "Really, Phantom? I didn't know Rain could cook." Mountain chuckled, as he dusted his feet off.

"According to him, he can. But we're putting that to the test tonight. If it's horrible he owes us each ten bucks. And if we get diarrhea it's twenty." Phantom said playfully.

Mountain rose a brow. "What's he cooking anyways?" He asked, approaching the living room, Phantom by his side. "No idea. As long as it isn't atrocious, I'll eat it." Phantom replied, as he rushed towards the dining table.

"Guys, guys! The table isn't even set, what are you doing?" Phantom announced loudly, looking around frantically to see all the ghouls relaxing, doing their own thing. "C'mon guys, I know Rain usually sets the table up but can we just do it once? Together?" Phantom asked them all, his brows furrowed. No answer from any of them, and an awkward silence hung in the air.

Soon, Cumulus, who was sitting on the couch cleared her throat. "I'll help you," She said sweetly, getting up. "Thank you so much," Phantom breathed.

Soon, most of the ghouls joined in to help Phantom with preparing the table, and shortly after, everything was ready. Except the food.

"Sodo, go check on Rain. Why's he taking so long?" Mountain said, as he walked over to the fire ghoul, who was laid across the couch, relaxing while the others were working away.

"Sodo? Can you go check on Rain?" Mountain repeated, more loudly this time.

"Why me?" Sodo scoffed in return. "Just do it," Mountain sighed, as Sodo huffed in annoyance, getting up and walking over to the kitchen. The rest of the ghouls decided to sit around the dinner table, waiting for Sodo and Rain to return with food. But, as more minutes passed, nobody came out the kitchen.

"Uhm, the fuck? Where's my food?!" Swiss exclaimed dramatically, banging his utensils on the table. The other ghouls were beginning to wonder that too. A few moments of quiet later, the ghouls heard screaming.

"SHIT! SHIT, SODO GET THE WATER!" They heard Rain scream. "ME? YOU'RE THE FIRE GHOUL, DUMBASS!" Sodo screamed back, as the ghouls heard running around and more shrieking.

"What on eart-" Cirrus was interrupted by the smell of smoke. All the ghouls froze.

"Something's burning-" Phantom stated, looking around frantically. "Yeah, no shit!" Aurora countered playfully, as the ghouls rushed to the kitchen, to see Rain and Sodo dumping a burnt, smoking pie into the trashcan, and a pitch black 'pizza' on the stove. The room smelled horrendous.

"Dump it, Sodo! YOU'RE MISSING THE TRASHCAN-" Rain exclaimed as Sodo dumped the pie right on the floor.

"Oh my god..." Rain groaned, as the 'pizza' on the stove sizzled. He turned around, and was shocked to see all the ghouls witnessing the scene.

"Oh, heh, hey guys." He said awkwardly, removing his oven gloves. "Uhm, why aren't you guys at the table? Dinner's about to be served-" Rain cleared his throat, as all the ghouls stared at him, unamused.

"If whatever the fuck is on that stove is our dinner, I'm not eating it." Aurora said, looking disgusted.


[ ... ]

715 words JAJDKS this was lowkey bad but idk what else to do rn

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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