#2 lets go

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okay we're already on part two let's fucking go

he don't wanna be homophobic but he don't got a choice, it's a canon event and he can't stop itlike what do you mean you don't want to be homophobic but you don't have a choice are you uhlike being forced to be homophobic like what 🙏🙏

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he don't wanna be homophobic but he don't got a choice, it's a canon event and he can't stop it
like what do you mean you don't want to be homophobic but you don't have a choice are you uh
like being forced to be homophobic like what 🙏🙏

your ears are literally drooping btw they are melting off of yo head you should probably fix that or get that checked out cuz i don't think it's normal lil bro or at least push them up or something, i actually think it's that hat it might be pushing your ears down too much which is why you're getting these suck silly goofy thoughts in your head that are telling you silly little goofy things that are completely harmless

anyway get your ears checked out, cut that tail off, actually cut both your ears and tail off i do not want to see you with those on AGAIN bro, go bald fr yo hair looks like dookie

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